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Photoshop Contest Entry #51971

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billtvshow billtvshow
ha, its aight
bc2013 bc2013
No animals were hurt in the making of this photo
batichan batichan
yeah, this ' cliche' is great... o wait, this is the first time in my 2 years here, that I´ve seen a post like this. this is NOT a cliche.
RommS RommS
animal vote;)
Robaccomando Robaccomando
hahahahha, funnee
Brent Brent
who put those pills in there!
nyxxie nyxxie
Chopper Chopper
Ha ha ha!!! Kill DIE!!!!
Lrossa Lrossa
Chukn8r Chukn8r
DLowrie DLowrie
It's funny cause the dog ate the pills & now he's dead
ScionShade ScionShade
splodge splodge
fzwarkatootl fzwarkatootl
Michel Michel
Gimli must die!
Serps Serps
nancers nancers
HAH! Dead pet vote.
danman danman
This is the only on I kinda like Vote!
occecid occecid
Well, you made me laugh. Idea vote.
Raysc Raysc


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images of pets eating pills never gets should know that by now...besides...its a bit cliche dont you think? ;)
Crispy Crispy
Well I've never seen it before :S and why should this not get any votes?? gimme a reason..
Crispy Crispy
Is it cruel? no it's just a manipulated photo.. Is it gore? no I don't see any blood or vomit or something.. And why should only humans commit suicide?
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trust me...the pill eatin dog thing has been done to death...get it? death? hehe...still, what were you thinking. I hope you dont have a dog yourself!
supak0ma supak0ma
the round pills look like caviar...
Crispy Crispy
well, give me a link to a pill-eating dog. and as you can see, it already got 1 vote.. so you're a very unreliable source, so I just don't listen to ya :D :D
Showcase Showcase
well, besides the use of a pill eating dog...everyone knows dogs dont like the little orange pills
Crispy Crispy
No I asked for a link.. then give me one! It has been done to death, right? So it must not be very hard to find one :p
Showcase Showcase
I cant do it...its hard enough looking at your pill eating dog post nevermind actually looking for more of these horrific images...
Showcase Showcase
I think one was done by chopper recently...check his portfolio...Im not. he has no respect for dogs just like you.
Crispy Crispy
I checked, and found NOTHING.. another proof of your unreliability.. chopper gimme a vote ;)
bc2013 bc2013
Lighten up dickhead. It's a funny picture. Are you one of those PETA fags?
Showcase Showcase
well then it must have been scrolbar...yeah it was him...he has a complete disregard for four legged friends...especially cows...did you know cows make good friends...I bet you didnt cause you're probably to busy giving them pills! arent'cha?
Showcase Showcase
HA! you said dickhead and fag in the same sentence...who's the fag now???
Crispy Crispy
Showcase Showcase
damn! you got me...did you check scrolbars portfolio...maybe you could check Basil's...he did them all the time...that and robots...he sucks.
Crispy Crispy
no I checked yours.. and I kill me :D:D
Showcase Showcase
what I wanna know is does your dog know you post stuff like this? huh?
Crispy Crispy
what dog? I don't have a dog.. But I'm sure that, if I had a dog, he would find this kinda funny
Showcase Showcase
aaaah...well that explains it then.
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puppy hater!
Showcase Showcase
I hate puppy haters!
Crispy Crispy
Chopper Chopper
You got my vote, my new buddy! Who ever you are! -Chopper
Showcase Showcase
oh big whoop...YAY! chopper's your new buddy!!! aint you the luckiest puppy hater ever. besides, he's only saying that in hopes of jerkin you off. ;)
Crispy Crispy
who said it's a puppy?
danman danman
Damn all this stupid discussion, were here to look a PS skills.... So shut tha f**k up nekro or nekro wanabe....
Crispy Crispy
a wannabe.. just a simple wannabe..

 Poppin Pills
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 [untitled entry]
by Crispy
Created May 05, 2004
20 votes   28 comments
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