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Photoshop Contest Entry #53218

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robbie42 robbie42
EvilTigr EvilTigr
PULL IT.........PULL IT!!!!!!!!
fetajr fetajr
but if I put any Middle East political leader in the crosshairs it'd be seen a humorous, right? this leader is far more EVIL than any Middle Eastern leader....
theplague theplague
The hitman shouldn't aim for the brain it's useless...cos Bush never uses it...aim for an artery instead :]
Zzzoey Zzzoey
supak0ma supak0ma
they shot jfk, why not this dumba*s, anyway its true what author says about the donkey being under pressure all over da world
jerico jerico
I hope this gets pulled. This is something the FBI wouldn't think was humourous. . .might need to be reported to several Government Agencies as a possible threat. Just doing my duty as a citizen. HAH!!! - like the FBI would be concerned with this!!...yo dumbass, you've been watching WAY to many movies. The author of this pic is only visualizing what's on the mind of millions of people all over the world. Unfotunatley, only the good seem to get assassinated - good isn't profitable. ie., Lincoln, JFK, John Lennon, Gandhi etc...all of whom had peaceful messages. Bush will never be assassinated 'cause he's pure evil.
Geli Geli
footprint footprint
btw, haven't been posting lately, and this is the only post I've looked at this contest, but I'm still gonna vote.
Doodler! Doodler!
leif leif
PotHed PotHed
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! There IS a head sitting in a chair! That's fuckin hilarious
MoZub MoZub
ahhhhhhhhhhh speak out.. doo deep tres speak le freak... speak out.. dah dah dahhh. Bold.
deshone deshone
shoot Blair 2 for the price of 1 ?
HandToolUK HandToolUK
shoot Blair 2 for the price of 1 LOL. If Blair had been the focus of the pic I wonder how many of these American PSCers would have been so self-righteous and over-sensitive about it? Very few I suspect. The view would probably have been "It's ok, he's only a Brit"... ;)
Chukn8r Chukn8r
sniper vote
alaaf alaaf
i h8 bush... we all know he is a asscrawler
Serps Serps
Chopper Chopper
this would solve a lot fo problems.
Rondo Rondo
Showcase Showcase
No presidents were hurt in the making of this post!
ReinMan ReinMan
oh. i can vote for this? COOL! :D
Bababooey Bababooey


blackfox blackfox
I hope this gets pulled. This is something the FBI wouldn't think was humourous. . .might need to be reported to several Government Agencies as a possible threat. Just doing my duty as a citizen.
supak0ma supak0ma
why dont we do a merry book burning too
dancerboiasu dancerboiasu
OMG this is kinda wrong ..
Qvanton Qvanton
I love it!! :D
Square Square
but if I put any Middle East political leader in the crosshairs it'd be seen a humorous, right? Regardless, lighten up. It's metaphorical.
HandToolUK HandToolUK
lol.Yeah, let's not get too hysterical here. I don't support the assassination of any world leader, but this is a PHOTOSHOP CONTEST not underground anarchist site! I suppose commenter #1 would also ask for the artists who make other posts (like the recent
HandToolUK HandToolUK
but if I put any Middle East political leader in the crosshairs it'd be seen a humorous, right? Well said, author.
supak0ma supak0ma
author i hope u dont live in the us&a coz u've been reported, it seems, the ministry of truth will be at your house soon
EvilTigr EvilTigr
and when I mean Pull it..I mean the trigger!!!
blackfox blackfox
killing people is not funny, regardless of whoever it is. This post breaks the rules of incitement (PSC rules) -- PULL IT
EvilTigr EvilTigr
ministry of truth The Republicans? ;)
Qvanton Qvanton
Lol this is too funny :) I should be dead by now for all the bush images i've done :)
Square Square
Metaphorical, people......he's metaphorically in the crosshairs on a global scale right now, meaning he's under intense scrutiny...*I'm getting a headache from having to explain this*...yes, I do live in the US, have all my life. And nobody's being kille
EvilTigr EvilTigr
Wow! This whiner needs a life.
Square Square
......I'm not whining....I'm only pouting. Hmph! ;)
supak0ma supak0ma
ehe go tell the guy that reported you
EvilTigr EvilTigr
The whiner IS the clown whining. Wasn't directed at author. Hello? I'm the one who said pull the trigger ;)
DLowrie DLowrie
Don't miss & hit a firemen.
Leviathan Leviathan
Commenter #1 if your actually serious and honestly feel this post is a threat do your duty as a citizen and take yourself out of the gene pool.
Zzzoey Zzzoey
Man I cannot wait to see who all these comments are from :-) Some folks need to lighten up.
EvilTigr EvilTigr
No Bush...on many levels! Clean shaven is the best ;)
Divelrodz Divelrodz
i would vote for this picture. it would be the only time i would vote for bush. fabulous statement.
Square Square
Actually Z, there's only one commenter who seems to have completely missed the point of this post.
footprint footprint
The whiner is probably the same guy who said to me, "I hope Osama gets you" at the Kerry rally I just went to.
ho0ly ho0ly
The only Bush I trust is my own. *looks around*
Dadams868 Dadams868
you fucking left wingers are all pathetic morons. Anyone with a sense of history knows that bush is not a bad president at all. JFK was not a good president at all he is remembered because he was a martyr to the liberal media. Iraq got out of hand yes, bu
Square Square
Okay....this is a complete bunch of bullshit. If you all want to argue politics, do it somewhere else. If ANYONE is that fucking offended by this picture, either e-mail the site about it or stop fucking looking at it! I've had it with this shit.
supak0ma supak0ma
one last comment, author: "Markets are up 45% over the last year, manufacturing is at 20 year highs, and the homeowner rate is the highest in history." ah war business is good
Square Square
HAHAHAHA supa...I'll admit that was probably the funniest response I could have hoped for in regards to my temper tantrum. thanks for keeping it in perspective :P
Zzzoey Zzzoey
manuafacturing.. you mean, the new definition of manufacturing... building a better big mac? :-) Some folks just don't have any humor.
Zzzoey Zzzoey
actually he IS a "bad american president". Listen to this, that is if you have a funny bone: listen to the one called "Great American Presidents" lol
Zzzoey Zzzoey
oops here
bollandfan32 bollandfan32
we could only be so lucky....nice job though
I guess I'm the only one who is freaked out by the head on the chair at the bottom left...
ironmc43 ironmc43
Don't forget to mention that the economy, had a 6% growth last quater, 3% is considered good. And that unemployment is lower than any average ever through the 90's
ScionShade ScionShade
author Okay....this is a complete bunch of bullshit. If you all want to argue politics, do it somewhere else heh, author said this? If ya don't want people to talk politics, why do you keep posting this stuff?flat out- That is about the dumbest thi
Square Square
yeah scion I did say that. I didn't post this to provide a platform for a political debate.
Square Square
ah, to hell with the whole thing. I'm gonna go watch some paint's more interesting.
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
I said it before and I'll say it again... You suck. Bad, stupid, horny, clumsy, or ugly president or not, he's still the president. Get over it or get the fuck out of my country. If you don't want him, VOTE! Asshole.
ScionShade ScionShade
ahhhhhhhhhhh, back in the day,chicken woulda posted a long long long story about "The Planet of the Apes".........hehehe
alaaf alaaf
right on dude
ScionShade ScionShade
Author, really, comon, You know this is in poor taste, be big about it and pull it. come on, if you need this to improve yer vpp, well, i can't respect that.Downplaying it as not being a weapon, or a threat is not true is a cop out, come on, just pull it
ReinMan ReinMan
I STILL find it fucking hilarious that there is a bald head sitting in a chair (over on the left side of the picture?). THAT is what this is ALL ABOUT people. THIS is the 2000's and NAKED BALD HEADS ARE GONNA BE DEMANDING MORE CHAIR TIME! Y
Zzzoey Zzzoey
simple solution, don't look at the photo. Quit whining
EvilTiger EvilTiger
HAHA! It's funny that you should bring up a bald head. Author, do you agree? ;)
BBoiSty0 BBoiSty0
I totally agree with commenter # 46 (4 posts above mine)... Plus, if the author didn't want a political debate, he would've been more tasteful than this. Lately I've been disgusted with the blind ignorance of society today, anyone can say that "Bush is a
MoZub MoZub
its the poster's statement... not yours. Let them make it. It's okay t express yourself... and very bold.
ScionShade ScionShade
its the poster's statement... not yours. Let them make it. It's okay t express yourself... and very bold.What are you saying ? The comments are all about making statements,replys even,do you mind if I express myself? ok, I will then, your not too b
supak0ma supak0ma
lol@eerie bald head comments
MoZub MoZub
have at it. You shouldnt attack the human behind the post... or comment. That's all I'm saying.
ironmc43 ironmc43
have at it. You shouldnt attack the human behind the post... or comment. That's all I'm saying. So who exactly would attack then? Aren't they the one making the statments? Oh wait never mind just blame it on space aliens, I think its the Klingons
ho0ly ho0ly
you guys need to shut the fuck up. it's just a freakin picture, don't get your panties in a knot.
gina1980 gina1980
I have a nice p ussy
Square Square
ScionShade ScionShade
HA! you have a nice p whatever and My neighbors house is burning down right now.what a strange world we live in
blackfox blackfox
now if this actually happens, (God forbid) how much trouble will the author be in? this is much more than a picture, it's a threat against America.
HandToolUK HandToolUK
Ok, and the rap group who had an album that happened to show the WTC on fire BEFORE September 11th 2001 were a "threat to America" too? Get a grip. So much for so-called "freedom of speech"...
HandToolUK HandToolUK
KOMODO DRAGON PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Komodo dragons are the world's heaviest living lizards. They can grow to a length of 10 feet (over 3 meters), with an average length of 8 feet (2.5 meters) and weight of 200 lbs (91 kg.). Females are
theplague theplague
The good things about the president Bush : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - That's all I could come up with, but I'm sure some of you will f
ReinMan ReinMan
WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BALD HEAD? Alex Cross battles the most ruthless and powerful killer he has ever encountered-a predator known only as the Bald Head. Alex Cross's first case since joining the FBI has his new colleagues stymied. Across the coun
Square Square
AAL Reinie! Now sing me the theme song! :D
theplague theplague
The bald head on the chair is not what you think it is's Rumsfeld left giant bald testicle...
piombo piombo
i Like it
Square Square
I can't believe nobody commented on the metrosexual fireman :-
KaBooM KaBooM
I liked the metrosexual fireman, but I can't in good concience vote for it. I will say it is extremely well done, and shows just how good of a ps'er you've become!
supak0ma supak0ma
the fireman looks "happy"

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 [untitled entry]
by Square
Created May 17, 2005
24 votes   66 comments
499w x 415h (71KB)

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