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Photoshop Contest Entry #53722

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robbie42 robbie42
cute doggie vote
blackfox blackfox
berger berger
tcrkay tcrkay
is his owner one-eyed-willy?
flyman flyman
fits nicely
Robaccomando Robaccomando
cute, and looks good
MoZub MoZub
deshone deshone
alaaf alaaf
Serps Serps
Chukn8r Chukn8r
thatbobguy thatbobguy
Whoa....somebody musta got bit by a dog when they were children to harbor such hostility at this little guy. Regardless...this is fine work.And just because it's "cute" ,it gets blasted. Thats not right.
splodge splodge
$umo $umo
occecid occecid
Nice composition. Good match on the wood colors.


leif leif
(eye candy is crap)
bollandfan32 bollandfan32
I hate to "bash" others' posts, but why is this getting so many votes? Just because the stupid little dog is kind of cute? The chop is average at best and was very easily executed. It seems like the votes are just for finding a good source pic with a
ik ik
yeah fcuk dogs!! :) but i think it's the pirate thing on the head that makes it funny... for some people that is. ;)
bollandfan32 bollandfan32
yes, it is a funny pic, but it is not Well, at least it is losing some steam, so maybe the dog lovers have voted already. I try to vote for the chopping skill and amount of hard work and not for how cool
piombo piombo
I would vote just for the dog but I haven't posted 15 yet.
bollandfan32 bollandfan32
OH MY GAWD...someone just posted the MOST adorable little puppy in a pic...and a sweet little precious kitten too...I must run there and vote immediately...
bollandfan32 bollandfan32
view the "most recent" and it will jump out at you...AWWWWWWWWWWWWW.....
16ozBud 16ozBud
Hmmm, good point #2. I think I can find some cute puppy or kitten pics and make a real vote-getter.
peril peril
you guys make me laugh, wait till deshone reads this he will crack up, if only you knew - haaaaaaaahhaaaaaahahhahhahaa
deshone deshone
alot of strange people comment here ... haaaaaaaahhaaaaaahahhahhahaa
$umo $umo
I think it's funny and not because it's a cute source pic. The idea that the dog has the backporch transformed into a make believe world of a ship is humorous to me.
occecid occecid
The reason this is getting so many votes is simple. People like it. I Wish I knew why people vote for a post. It would make it a lot easier to get more votes. For now only Bluefist knows the secret.

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by peril
Created June 02, 2004
15 votes   12 comments
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