Photoshop Contest
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Photoshop Contest Entry #54609

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volkswes volkswes
Ha, I love it.......great thinking
charpentier charpentier
supak0ma supak0ma
robbie42 robbie42
great chopping, awful cooking
splodge splodge
chrispis chrispis
> wow great job! I like it!
deshone deshone
occecid occecid
Does this mean it's OK to play with your food?
lostagain lostagain
MoZub MoZub
kick ass.... you HAD to have done this at least partially for real and took a pic.. too perfect and no repeated food pieces.
j-elzic j-elzic
Not very appetizing, but damn cool!
EvilTigr EvilTigr
great idea :P
sonnysan sonnysan
You are a genius ! Pretty good idea indeed !
Azionite Azionite
Zetape Zetape
denon denon
u realy made that thing, did you?
Chopper Chopper
Great idea.
Serps Serps
arcaico arcaico
batichan batichan
GREAT work!!!!!
barfcark barfcark
jizz pie vote
Rondo Rondo
bollandfan32 bollandfan32
Crispy Crispy
ho0ly ho0ly
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
A really great idea. This took effort and deserves a win.
Abrasivist Abrasivist
Outstanding...and looks a lot better than the dinner I'll probably get tonight.
Chukn8r Chukn8r
You have no idea how long I spent trying to read this....Maybe I did do too much LDS in the 60's...
qqqqq qqqqq
fluados fluados
why is everybody talking about pizza. I think it's an omelet and a well done omelet too.
Yage Yage
Square Square
Okay...I've debated for over a day now...and I have to say that yes, I might actually try this concoction. :^)
Robaccomando Robaccomando
speedial speedial
16ozBud 16ozBud
billtvshow billtvshow
this is no different from anyone who ever took thir own picture and used it as one of the sources for their entry, i like it.


chrispis chrispis
>did you recreate it completely in real life? It looks so real...
piombo2 piombo2
hellraiser hellraiser
No.... photoshop, but something is real!
sonnysan sonnysan
(something is real) Your talent ! ;-)
V1nc3nt V1nc3nt
Did you also eat it?
chrispis chrispis
>the stuff you cooked is real, right?
zioli zioli
G43L G43L
essa eh sua sérgio... tah fodona :: tem uma pizza lah q tah paia... qundo vc falow pizza achei q era akela... soh depois q vi
hellraiser hellraiser
Yes, i ate it commentor 5, and you know... it was tasty! =)
lockfist lockfist
corn, olives, ham, malt-o-meal, mustard, what the F is the red shit??? liiks like strawberry squeeze jelly
Crispy Crispy
ever heard of ketchup?
hellraiser hellraiser
Yes, ketchup! =)
brennanman brennanman
this is not photoshopped. but it is a nice idea. i cant vote but i dont think i would
arcaico arcaico
I think the 62% that voted for Creativity in the poll and the 25 voters so far disagree with you commentor#13... besides, I see no difference on pasting a monkey face on JFK photo or pasting a pizza on this contest´s image... so, it is photoshopped... and
lockfist lockfist
what kind of shit ketchup is that then?? Heinz is a lot darker red than that
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
Comment #13 - this is not photoshopped. What do you think the author did? Taped a photo of a homemade "Pizza" on a printed copy of the days post and then scanned it?
hellraiser hellraiser
Thank you voter #26! =)
arcaico arcaico
LOL I agree with you Commentor #16... No, better... I bet he baked the pizza over the printed copy of today´s post an then scanned it... I wonder how he took the cheese off the scanner glass... yeah, this deserves to win...
awahoo awahoo
I'd vote for ya if I could... Great competition ;)
Escobar Escobar
Who needs a scanner when you have a digital camera. Can't really see the photoshop element in it. I can cut and paste in coreldraw 1.0. Just like the idea of the guy messing with ketchup and olives to make it look like the original.
raquelwinter raquelwinter
great work!! now I'm hungry,,,
mint mint
super, great idea! author, you are the Chef of psc ; )
bigted bigted
femalevolent femalevolent
it IS photoshopped in parts and its better than photoshopped where its real. Its Origional and Bold! We can all photoshop here, we CANT all come up with this idea tho. I'm amused that posted happened to do this on the same day that I chose to print
supak0ma supak0ma
"We can all photoshop here" i disagree
relax relax
I wouldn't eat it, but it's good and quite provocative. :-)
Raysc Raysc
not too sure why this one has so many votes. It doesn't look too hard or too advanced.
ScionShade ScionShade
It's been two years and three months--now Sept 2k6..BillTvShow just re-pointed this out to me..I am soooo sorry my vote aint on it.. THIS IS GREAT!!!!!!
ScionShade ScionShade
5...FIVE YEARS NOW! Update the picture HELLBOY!!!!!!!!!!!

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 [untitled entry]
by hellraiser
Created June 18, 2004
36 votes   29 comments
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