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Photoshop Contest Entry #56728

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Robaccomando Robaccomando
wow! This is simply amazing work.
supak0ma supak0ma
bluefist bluefist
This is INCREDIBLY well done. so many of these "Oh, look I can do a robot!" are so riddled with cliché. This is very well executed. Very nice.
billtvshow billtvshow
this is the way a cyborg should be, really hot
nyxxie nyxxie
Grimmie Grimmie
Better than seven of nine vote
brechtje85 brechtje85
oooohh...i'm that jessica biel?
nancers nancers
flyman flyman
nice lips
blackfox blackfox
I think I dated her in high school. . . very cold personality and a real techno-geek, in the AV club and stuff. . . good lay though.
MoZub MoZub
Doodler! Doodler!
denon denon
EvilTigr EvilTigr
I dont know why anybody else is even thinking of posting after this... ;)
leif leif
neutura neutura
sonnysan sonnysan
fluados fluados
she doesn't scare me
Wett Wett
base-zum base-zum
uuhhhh wow ?
piombo2 piombo2
Robo Chick
paradoxia paradoxia
great job
hacky hacky
"...$4500 to complete my girl robot. ..Heh, Heh! This will be the best prom ever!"
qqqqq qqqqq
yaaaaaaaaaaaay .. did i find it?
DLowrie DLowrie
The best of the cyborg lot
lostagain lostagain
SugarJunkie SugarJunkie
ho0ly ho0ly
barthosch barthosch
"Would you like to take a moment to register me?" LOL - perfect!!
Square Square
I still say it's Jeanine Turner
MadMardigan MadMardigan
by far and away the best chop of this contest even with it being such an early entry, not much that could top this I think, awesome job
robbie42 robbie42
Nuttdriver Nuttdriver
missrobin74 missrobin74
I ♥ this too!
jiraroter jiraroter
tjsnaps tjsnaps
occecid occecid
Nice move putting the glowing eye on the shadow side. Clean lines, great shadows. Great source picture. This is a work of art. Great photoshopping.
Zingaro Zingaro
volkswes volkswes
great job
Serps Serps
Showcase Showcase
I suppose its ok ;)
arcaico arcaico
nice work dutch... now go get some real girls and quit playing with party dolls... lol ;)
splodge splodge
Chopper Chopper
My homeboyz try to warn me, but that butt you go...make-a me me me so horny.
HandToolUK HandToolUK
"I'd plug into her ports and upload to her firmware anytime" and other sad geeky double-entendres... ;)
ScionShade ScionShade
High Quality Chop!! I wonder just how far into the future it will be before we all start plugging in."Borgs are people too!"
YerPalAl YerPalAl
And this makes 50 well earned votes


fauxtography fauxtography
amazing, and god!
*.jpg *.jpg
No offence, but this cyborg only got one croped cable on the shoulder and another not really good one on neck and forehead. The cyborg looks great but he would even look great without the cables.
YerPalAl YerPalAl
. . . . . he?
paradoxia paradoxia
great job
barbed barbed
TieRackk TieRackk
Looks nice. I know it would be impossible to credit every artist/photographer for the great source pics that people use, but I think in this situation credit should be given to the 3D artist who created this incredible model. Previous comments have show
deshone deshone
yep ... source used : and cyborgs are never real people ;)

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 [untitled entry]
by deshone
Created August 01, 2004
48 votes   7 comments
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