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kprincess kprincess
:) Nice!
deshone deshone
poepie poepie
Doodler! Doodler!
Showcase Showcase
Looks great!
nancers nancers
I like!
bluefist bluefist
Le Minchia! Mucho gusto.
base-zum base-zum
muchos greatos senorita
hsh0t hsh0t
ReinMan ReinMan
Not sure what it is, but I LIKE IT!
theplague theplague
Great Work and texture !
fluados fluados
batichan batichan
awesome work!
supak0ma supak0ma
arcaico arcaico
hellraiser hellraiser
Serps Serps
Square Square
sonnysan sonnysan
Bluesbro Bluesbro
I like it
tommagic1 tommagic1
klavrack klavrack
Gort Gort
really nice
Rondo Rondo
splodge splodge
FinnishFlash FinnishFlash
billtvshow billtvshow
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Another great mood piece . . . . .no, I mean the CHOP!
photolicious photolicious
very nice
Nuttdriver Nuttdriver
irishstu irishstu
Very nice image!
gravyboat gravyboat
16ozBud 16ozBud


missrobin74 missrobin74
thanks you guys :) larger image here:
TieRackk TieRackk
reminds me of
missrobin74 missrobin74
thanks TieRack... you found my inspiration :) but mine is all new
missrobin74 missrobin74
to answer your question: head, body, eyeball: [img] backround, layer 1:
Doodler! Doodler!
So when are you going to mow my lawn?
missrobin74 missrobin74
when you send methat fancy bikini you were talking about :)
Doodler! Doodler!
you have to come get it, jeesh :)
missrobin74 missrobin74
well that hardly seems fair! You want me to drive 2 hours, maybe 3, and mow your lawn in a bikini?? Do I at least get some boxed wine?
DLowrie DLowrie
Doodler! Doodler!
yea you can have some wine :D.. might loosen ya up a little... heheheh ;)
missrobin74 missrobin74
if I'm going to mow your lawn, in a bikini, after a LONG drive I want the good stuff mister... in a wine glass, from something that has a cork in it! lol
Doodler! Doodler!
ok ok.. damn you are expensive ;) i will get a bottle of some italian cabernet...mostly because its better than french
missrobin74 missrobin74
okay! Now we're talking! ... I am NOT expensive! Oh, did I mention I'll need Evan facial spritzer while I'm out in the hot sun?
Doodler! Doodler!
we have some.. I will even highlight your hair if you like.. so it will look nice in the sun!!
missrobin74 missrobin74
you do hair too? Wow, you are so multitalented... maybe I will just move in with you guys, hehehe
Doodler! Doodler!
ok as long as I can watch/video tape the debauchery you can move in... can I show showcase the movies?
missrobin74 missrobin74
LOL! No way... showcase will want to move in WITH us! hehehe
Doodler! Doodler!
he can live in our shed and eat table scraps :D
Showcase Showcase
*lame beavis voice* heh heh she said facial heh he
Showcase Showcase
man, Im there, but it will likely end up being YOU mowing the lawn in flourecent green spandex shorts while the rest of us sit in the shade and sip your italian wine and toss bologna at your! :P
Showcase Showcase
or maybe we'll toss some Bush/Cheney hats around the yard and you can run around burning and chopping them up while you hop up and down and giggle like a little girl.
Doodler! Doodler!
that actaully sounds fun!!!!!!
missrobin74 missrobin74
hahaha... I think watching Doodler "hop up and down and giggle like a little girl" would make it all worth the trip, lol
Doodler! Doodler!
if you came i WOULD hop around like a little girl :D
missrobin74 missrobin74
woo hoo! ... I'll bring my camera LOL
Doodler! Doodler!
sweet.... ill hold it during the "festivities"... showcase is still stuck in the shack
missrobin74 missrobin74
*time out* THANK YOU ALL FOR THE VOTES :) ...and I didn't even have to ask people for mine ;) hahaha *time in* "stuck in the shack?? why is he stuck in the shack? and showcase "toss balogna at your" his what? ;) hehe
Doodler! Doodler!
because he MIGHT toss his balogna at me in a gay way... and I dont ask for mine either :P (votes that is)
missrobin74 missrobin74
i wasn't talking about you Doodlebug ;) ...and I was just kidding with someone :D - yeah showcase... I think you might want to reconsider tossing your bologna at guys LMAO!
Doodler! Doodler!
I agree with "author"
missrobin74 missrobin74
thank you "???"
Doodler! Doodler!
NP "author" so when should I expect you?
missrobin74 missrobin74
as soon as the grass stops growing ;)
Doodler! Doodler!
YAY! that should be soon
glennhanna glennhanna

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by missrobin74
Created September 13, 2004
34 votes   35 comments
550w x 435h (71KB)

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