> where is the original pic? I also have the exact same box at home and I could have done this,...Is it one of the frames?
i think they entire thing is from the original, dont be a douche bag.
I agree with commenter one....nicely done gif...but the box doesn't match....hinges are different, moldings are different.
it is a top gif but non of the pixels is from the source......... still nice yob but if things like this get votes next time everybody can also post pictures that only look like the source, it will make the contest a lot easier then..... :-(
i have the same box too, and the box isnt black, its GREY!
yes chris' the original is in 4 of the frames...I had the same box too and I actuallly did 55 other frames of it to do a smoother 6meg gif...I cut the frames down to 24 and and desaturated the box to cut down on size. I threw in the wand last moment but
again a very nice animation but there is not even a pixel from the source!! the hinges are different and also the tools are slightly different, not much but just enough to notice. None of these 69 frames are from the original and that is cheating to my o
you seem like a very skilled photoshopper why did you do that's like asking for trouble
Total cheap, should have not allowed.
looks nice .... but none of these are in the animation
look at the hinge ............it wil say enough i think , none of the 69 frames has a double hinge as in the original
i think it is a shame for such a good animation ....it deserves really a lot ......... but not like this :-(............ like this it is cheating
I can't believe I'm taking the time to respond to this sillieness but I take it as a compliment that I've gotten much better at matching things when there is this much accusation about how I've done this without the source. I am not pulling one over on y
then next time don't cheat
How is this cheating?
I can't vote, but I would if I could. I don't think this is cheating at all.
you need to use "snap to guide lines" or make your last layer see through, to see if it lines up to the previous layer, just trying to help
I'm pretty lost using ImageReady...Thanks splodge! I'll give it try next time.