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Photoshop Contest Entry #61766
Chocolate Blonde-due ; )

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Robaccomando Robaccomando
flyman flyman
girls and chocolate....
txpinky txpinky
Jdefore Jdefore
great job nancers!
anfa anfa
Looks great!
Patre Patre
Absolutely terrific...
supak0ma supak0ma
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
really nice work! WTG!
Nuttdriver Nuttdriver
serious serious
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Simply stunning food porn. Great job in every way. Yum!
Gort Gort
claudiolky claudiolky
simply divine!!!! great and beautiful...
robbie42 robbie42
MoZub MoZub
doh! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMY... Its was an accident! I'm going to go watch TV while you clean this up... sowwy.
mezopunk mezopunk
ok...who crapped in the fondue pot?!
Lobotomized Lobotomized
pietjepuk pietjepuk
MMMMMMMMM me hungry
occecid occecid
Culinary vote.
poepie poepie
of to eat...
enchantress enchantress
P@u P@u
Showcase Showcase
looks yummy AND messy...perfect.
Azionite Azionite
dewking dewking
PSman PSman
Good work, girl!
kritsos kritsos
Serps Serps
Bryan... Bryan...
theduplicate theduplicate
very good !
chocolaty-isous *spell check*
PSposer PSposer
the202 the202
Netwel Netwel
Rondo Rondo
anmazondi anmazondi
How you did the drops???..really nice!!!
lostagain lostagain
Nooooo! Someone save the chocolate quick, it's getting away!
billtvshow billtvshow
Yeah, the drops actually look freakin correct.
xovlov xovlov
this sort of thing wouldn't have happened if you had bought an AMERICAN fondue set! nice!
ironmc43 ironmc43
Great work! and source ;)
holysmak holysmak
starbrite starbrite
I'm-on-a-diet vote
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Out standing work again
Square Square
L@rue L@rue
spencej1129 spencej1129
"hi, my name is Patim, and i'm an idiot" post something better than that... EVER. Then talk that noise
velocity velocity
Can I have some if you aren't going to eat it all?
EvilTigr EvilTigr
"only 'cuz I am her friend and the pic really isn't that good" vote ;) You never dissapoint Nan..........well except when you use male hind-quarters
jerry717 jerry717
That was a vote BTW ;) oops
nyxxie nyxxie
madraven madraven
G7 G7
Wett Wett
hate it when that happens... :D
Darkshrimp Darkshrimp
WOW! nice...nice and clean
splodge splodge
Chopper Chopper
Nancers, when I see posts like this, I can't help but think that you let me win the H2H tournament. You are too nice.
tlbendele tlbendele
chadchud chadchud
i can vote! i can vote! yipeeeeeeeeee! anyway, here's my first one for you. Not only because I love chocolate, but I also love half-copper-bowls. Lovin your work.
ScionShade ScionShade
I like the chocolate posts,but I'd like to see more robots around here. Nice chop.LOL@ top 25 chops. ;-P
alkmin alkmin
THE BEST!!! Nancers: Congratulations!!!
NShadows NShadows
Now I can vote! well done.
odelayhombre odelayhombre
It's "someone tell the person above me to shut the fuck up" day! You know what to do
Bluesbro Bluesbro
Damn you're good :-)
buratto buratto
Very good!
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
you people keep helping me break my diets vote Gr8 job


claudiolky claudiolky
simply divine...
D72 D72
Looks good
sephiroth_is_god sephiroth_is_god
Now that aint half bad
rc4137 rc4137
mmmm, chocolate. Are you pregnant nancer?
nancers nancers
If I am, I'm in a lot of trouble with my "fixed* husband!
patim patim
On the bowl it looks ok. But on the edge it's transparent?? Also the perspective seems off. shop seems a bit choppy; background isn't straight. light (3 spots) doesn't reflect in the chocolate and strawberry
mezopunk mezopunk
someone tell the person above me to shut the fuck up.
NShadows NShadows
great color scheme..wonderful idea.. almost perfect execution.. i just love it..
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Well, it's 45 to 1, Mezo, so I guess that says something
spencej1129 spencej1129
Very nice... hmmmm, chocolate.
EvilTigr EvilTigr
patim On the bowl it looks ok. But on the edge it's transparent?? Also the perspective seems off. shop seems a bit choppy; background isn't straight. light (3 spots) doesn't reflect in the chocolate and strawberry what you're saying
chadchud chadchud
can't vote yet, but when i get my hands on that rule book im gonna..... anyway, lovin your work!
jerry717 jerry717
This is what happens to your copper fondu pot when you offer a not fully saturated chocholate strawberry to a samurai. ;)
chadchud chadchud
Erm, as for the comment from patim from the netherlands - I know that this can be really addictive, but I feel that you need to get a life and stop being so picky!
ScionShade ScionShade
Hey people. You may not like patim's criticism , but it wasn't really all that offensive(it was only about the post anbd NOT the poster) and patim has just as much right AS YOU TO MAKE USE OF THE COMMENTS SECTION. Is this what non-anon is gonna be about?
jmh132 jmh132
the people that are attacking patim here should be ashamed. I loathe blind negative comments, but this user is just pointing out what they found to be a bit off. Considering the incredible skill level of nancers, I can see why one might look at her posts
fluados fluados
i agree with jmh and patim
fluados fluados
wtf, i even agree with scion ;)
nancers nancers
Oh Jeesh. Patim, the chocolate on the edge is not "transparent" but instead on the "edge" the light would reflect as it folds over the top, so the whiteness is "light reflecting" not the bowl underneath. I felt the lighting on the strawberry was fine,
jmh132 jmh132
nice retort!
borderchild borderchild
bluefist bluefist
I agree with JMH.
mezopunk mezopunk
i agree that i wear the choad sweater. sorry if i hurt anyone's feelers!
Chopper Chopper
I agree with Bluefist.
billtvshow billtvshow
I agree with the flat earth theory.
patim patim
Yee. this stirs up a lot. You will no doubt agree if I go for the comments in my favorite. Yes I think that Nancers is a hell of a chopper. And earlier she didn't get a vote but I wasn't constructive in my comment. So I thought, well let's be constructive
ScionShade ScionShade
I'm sorru I got in Yer vface Mez.I'll just shut up and vote now.
ScionShade ScionShade
LOL ;)

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 [untitled entry]
by nancers
Created November 17, 2004
68 votes   28 comments
475w x 548h (70KB)

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