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Photoshop Contest Entry #67109

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blue_lurker blue_lurker
Do it....squish him.
bluefist bluefist
This is the only one of these gay "Oooh...I'm squishing yer head." concepts I'll vote for.
billtvshow billtvshow
nice frame
supak0ma supak0ma
what blue said
efunk efunk
I loved that show! Nice.
volkswes volkswes
I love the look on his face
MoZub MoZub
HandToolUK HandToolUK
That guy looks like a younger ROLF HARRIS but as far as I know, he always preferred playing the didgeridoo and wobble-board... maybe that's because THIS always happened to him when he tried to play accordion!
Cynn Cynn
Excellent!! Get 'im.
batichan batichan
yeah, great show, and great work mr Rein!!!
anfa anfa
Serps Serps
anmazondi anmazondi
LOL, funny work!
enchantress enchantress
you crazzzzy man!!! :)
txpinky txpinky
serious serious
mint mint
thetwins thetwins
velocity velocity
It doesn't get much better than accordians and Kids n the Hall
L-dawg L-dawg
well-chosen pic for this idea
Square Square
Reinier......I did a gif, my fine idea stealing friend! (too bad it was 250K) :-P
Chukn8r Chukn8r
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Wait! At least let him finish...Good Job!
kopeski kopeski
I can see the ghost of Johnny Carson in that pic. Wierd!
doruletz doruletz
good ;)
anonymoo anonymoo
i'm blocking you out. *thumb*
madraven madraven
Accorion blues.
kurakima kurakima
metalic metalic
what's on the border? is it call film...? ;)
Janitor Janitor
Nice pic' but even more fun reading the votes/comments! :D
zaiba zaiba
idea vote
splodge splodge
tommagic1 tommagic1
YerPalAl YerPalAl
HAH!! No lablatts
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
Either Rolf Harris or Ricky Tomlinson :) (don't worry - people from the UK will get it)
jerry717 jerry717
I don't get it ;P
hacky hacky
missrobin74 missrobin74
irishstu irishstu
Believe it or not, I had the same idea (although my guy didn't have an accordian... and I never started it...)


badcop badcop
Kids in the Hall?
ReinMan ReinMan
Yes, that fine Canadian troup, KIDS IN THE HALL. And that fine Canadian National Instrument, the ACCORDION. Together for the first time here at PSC! :D
ReinMan ReinMan
Mr. Cop :

Q-Tip zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by ReinMan
Created January 24, 2005
39 votes   3 comments
512w x 420h (69KB)

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