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Photoshop Contest Entry #67948

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theduplicate theduplicate
it look so good Pat !....
ronni3264 ronni3264
This is a great Idea!!!Well Done!!!
gismo gismo
Serps Serps
claudiolky claudiolky
uau!!! spectacular view...
nancers nancers
anfa anfa
billtvshow billtvshow
good idea with the dimmed mountains
michigangrad michigangrad
anmazondi anmazondi
superb work!
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
I just got a chilly feeling!Like a spider crawling up one's spine.
jaysen jaysen
Hal23 Hal23
thumbs up
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Pat: you selected well, good chop!
jerry717 jerry717
L-dawg L-dawg
pacoperez pacoperez
Heather! Heather!
doruletz doruletz
very gooooood!
zaiba zaiba
ramba ramba
good work
blue_lurker blue_lurker
efunk efunk
Wett Wett
metalic metalic
msfrigyfrog msfrigyfrog
velocity velocity
siem siem
screwloose screwloose
Looks Great!


Patre Patre
This picture is a two picture composite. The featured picture (Which includes the viewing compartment and the mountains blended into the background behind both sides of the iceberg-This is a very subtle blend, but the featured picture mountains are there.
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
1 question Pat, or 2? Are they falling, or are they just out of road, like on a cliff side? If the latter is so, I don't want to own that vehicle!
Patre Patre
a4pawedpal, I read your comment and question on today's post, but I don't think I understand what you mean. The blended layers containing the featured picture mounrains are far away in the background, so I am not sure that you are referring to those moun
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
just as the view gives, the effect of no front end on vehicle, makes me wonder if it was falling in, or just fell in on body of shown water? Also, I may have misworded my comment being it was written before my 1st cup of java??????? either way, as usual,
Patre Patre
To be honest, a4pawedpal, I was never certain whether it was an airplane or boat... I took out the mirror and the windshield wiper, so that it could be interpreted as either a boat or plane. However, as with most things human, I probably overlooked somet
sponge sponge
i dont get it

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 [untitled entry]
by Patre
Created February 03, 2005
29 votes   6 comments
474w x 355h (73KB)

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