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Photoshop Contest Entry #72789

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leif leif
Wett Wett
love the font!
arcaico arcaico
LMAO!!!! Can't stop laughing!!!! LOL This is pathetic indeed... deserves a vote... (what??? at least this stock image has the source in it!!!)
Doodler! Doodler!
nancers nancers
I love how you blurred the background just a bit as the real eye would see it. Great lighting and shadows too!
ronni3264 ronni3264
awwww!!! What the hell!!! I hope THIS one wins!!!
dewking dewking
Azionite Azionite
I like the composition and coloring. I especially like how you recreated the gettyimages logo, gives the pic a very authentic look! ;)
xovlov xovlov
the lighting, shadow, layers ... blah blah blah paths blah THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MoZub MoZub
mmmmmmmmmmm chocolate
patim patim
Unbelievable. How did you make the source pic hover above those realistic
holysmak holysmak
here's a vote for the "babbygirl". great chop!
demasiadoman demasiadoman
why is this SO FUN ? vote...
Cynn Cynn
LOL! This one takes the cake.
theduplicate theduplicate
good composition !! nice work !
kencd7 kencd7
Wow I sure don't have the patience to do something like this, Would love to know how this was all put toghther, The skin tones match perfectly. A like the common thread between the bakery items, that piece of chocolate on the bottom is seamlessly blended to the plate beneath it. Great job
Alex Alex
Best chop I've seen since YPA Flying Over Tahoe one... I still can't believe it's a chop. Soooo realistic. A true winner!!! Congrats Chicken, you've just raised the bar.
buglover buglover
@demasiadoman: just post over 300 entries and U will know.
supak0ma supak0ma
1337hax0r 1337hax0r
from one fag to another ;)
anfa anfa
Best chop I've ever seen, ever!
mint mint
Zingaro Zingaro a tutorial quick!
RottyM RottyM
youre a photoshop wizard... I bow to your skills.... how did you get the shine in her hair.
billtvshow billtvshow
aight then
Serps Serps
Wow Great!!!
ScionShade ScionShade
This looks exactly like Heather's wor.......HOLD ON! Chicken is Heather??? Good one!!!
3rian 3rian
nice use of "Getty Images" logo
OneChiefRocker OneChiefRocker
I like the use of white space.
blue_lurker blue_lurker
What no comment from SOT my god whats wrong is he in ill ok...
theplague theplague
Fatcheux !


ronni3264 ronni3264
Azionite Azionite
leif leif
i can't vote for this!!
leif leif
i love her tits
polishmafia polishmafia
dewking dewking
Blub blub
ronni3264 ronni3264
Very Clean Chop!!! ;)
nancers nancers
LMAO dew!
dewking dewking
is it just me or did chicken put her boobs on too low?
kencd7 kencd7
Why isn't this entry in 1st place?
kencd7 kencd7
Why isn't everyone who can vote, voting for this picture?
kencd7 kencd7
Why does someone who can either: A) Vote for this or B) not vote for this Not choose (A)
kencd7 kencd7
Why are the people who didn't vote for this so F'n stupid and have big turd faces.
arcaico arcaico
genius... GENIUS!!!!
kencd7 kencd7
Why did God tell me he would damn people to eternal hellfire if they did not vote for this....WHY!
Azionite Azionite
just post over 300 entries and U will know. Pssht.. over half of Chicken's images are the same thing "Thumbnail not available"... I honestly don't know how the guy got ANY votes!
xovlov xovlov
supak0ma supak0ma
chicken sucks!
dewking dewking
kencd7 kencd7
Why does this only have 21 votes, some of you people need to take a long hard look in the mirror.
Alex Alex
I agree with ken... Look at the details on the brownies. I've never seen something as nice as that before.
kencd7 kencd7
Why does this STILL only have 21 votes since the last time I checked how many votes it had.
kencd7 kencd7
This is because Chicken is black isn't it?...well shame on you all. There will be a full investigation as to why people did not vote for this. heads will roll my friend...heads will roll
arcaico arcaico
ken, shut up! You´re scaring the voters!!! voteeeeeers... pipipipi here here... come come...
ronni3264 ronni3264
Someday, I hope to be THIS GOOD!!! :)
ronni3264 ronni3264
RottyM...he smeared Pantene Pro V on the screen ;)
Doodler! Doodler!
Usefull information for all you hunters out there....
nancers nancers
Thanks Dood, I just killed a deer and was unsure as to what I should do next. Thanks to your helpful tips, I now know what I will be doing in my garage tonight.
Janitor Janitor
How to skin a deer(the shorter northern Ohio version.) Drive along the highway at 55 or faste. Find a deer. Beep your horn. Deer stops and stares. Hit the deer. Deer skids on the pavement. Deer loses skin. The end.
Janitor Janitor
By "faste" I meant "faster." Still getting used to this G5 keyboard. :)
billtvshow billtvshow
Oh boy, here we go with the mega-comments!
billtvshow billtvshow
fooey, guess someone doesn't like sleepy hollow
kencd7 kencd7
A reading from Paul to the Corinthians....AWW FUCKIN SHIT!.....GOD DAMMIT!.. lost my page...hang on a second...stupid fuckin index would be nice..FUCK IT!
dewking dewking
HAR! @ CD7! :)
nancers nancers
Yer all nuts!
kencd7 kencd7
You and I are very much alike. Archaeology is our religion. Yet we have both fallen from the pure faith. Our methods do not differ as much as you pretend. I am a shadowy reflection of you. It would take only a nudge to make you like me. To push you out
ScionShade ScionShade
Where the hells teh "planet of The Apes" scripts???
twaggoner twaggoner
i guess i missed the joke, people bitching about chops like this one, and then voting for it anyway, wtf? i give up
ronni3264 ronni3264
it only took one of my votes, and the humor of it all was damn well worth my vote, IMHO... ;)
ronni3264 ronni3264
Thanks to chicken for hours of amusement...Fun for the entire family... ;)
hacky hacky
(no comment)
ronni3264 ronni3264
arcaico arcaico
This is a masterpiece!!! Great work Chicken!!
armogeden armogeden

 Mmmm Cake
Mmmm Cake zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by Chicken
Created April 13, 2005
32 votes   44 comments
358w x 477h (39KB)

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