A background getting their family photo taken... Never thought that the very background you stand against every time you get your family photos taken has it's own family did you? |
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such an original use of source josh, loving it
Feral Hamster
advice as requested. photographer seems vertically stretched (i assume to fit within the borders w/o overlapping the people). may want to re-work width so she can fit better. she could also use some edge-sharpening
yeah, i just couldn't find a good image of a photographer to go with the pic. it took alot of playing just to get her that far, and I accidentally saved my image with it flattened, so needless to say I was fed up with this pic when I turned it in
I don't think the people themselves turned out that bad I wish the rest of it had followed suit so well
[untitled entry]
by Josh62088
Created August 11, 2005
10 votes
500w x 375h (118KB)
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