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woodie woodie
before it gets pulled vote
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
bwah ha ha!
badcop badcop
ReyRey ReyRey
dbbowling dbbowling
e2dmfj e2dmfj
I think this is the best ever! HA HA HA HA HA HA....
wcgems wcgems
marcoballistic marcoballistic
personally, I love the way you have injected further comedy into the scene clonestamp, by the facial expression on the woman, thats an instant classic, and the gesture by the guy, that to is great, really good funny entry in my opinion CST
cowboy399 cowboy399
<senzotaku> <senzotaku>
ha! great comedy show :D
nubie nubie
for a second I thought someone put a live web cam behind me ......just kidding
claudiolky claudiolky
sperm on the keyboard is a problem....
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
ReinMan ReinMan
funny yet SCARY for some weird reason! :/
serious serious
GIFted GIFted
Goat1981 Goat1981
*LOL* this is funny. :-)
HKlevjer HKlevjer


wcgems wcgems
If its still around later, I'll vote. Its funny.
TheShaman TheShaman
i agree its funny and personally ive seen alot worse stay up... but somethings not right.... that bag of groceries... shouldnt some of it be spilled out?!?!
steele426 steele426
I agree with Shaman - this is funny but there are many more entries with fewer votes with much better execution. It's a hard voting day (no pun) and you have to be spot on to get one of my 8 remaining votes.
e2dmfj e2dmfj
I don't think that they should pull this. I have seen worse on this site and also it;s not showing any nudity at all. I have seen semi-nude posts on here before and they were held up as fine art. This is awesome.
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
I agree with you guys (Shaman and Steele) thanks for the advice and tips. I always appreciate any criticism you can give. this actually wasn't what I was planning on entering but it just snowballed, and I had fun doing it, I hope it made you laugh
steele426 steele426
If it were any other day - you would have gotten my vote mayn - but there are 100 entries and most of them are freaking awesome. It makes it very tough to vote.
Eve Eve
Geesh, she looks shocked!
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
I think it would be funny as hell if he was looking at the PSC site--I'd vote for it then, reunion contest or no.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol and i agree with Tiff, that would tip it way over the edge for many I would guess in the funnies department
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
haha...I like that queen and marco. Thanks everyone for the tips and ideas. Edit: added grocery items, darkened the woman and added the PSC site.
Eve Eve
Hairy ass + gross suggestion image = more votes than some really good images. Go figure....
Da_Dude Da_Dude
she should use that mouth..
badcop badcop
I think you did a great job. This is funny. Although it was suggested, I'm glad you didn't put this website into that monitor as that's extremely cliche. If you had a name that more people recognized, you'd have triple the votes without
badcop badcop
..a doubt
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
Cliche, is it? I don't think that word means what you think it means.
badcop badcop
Queen, I don't think you've been on this site long enough to tell me what is cliche here and what isn't. Incorporating this website into a chop is a very overused idea (cliche), and is, in my opinion, a cheap ploy to get more votes.
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
But incorporating this site into a chop where a guy is, um...well, what the guy in this chop is doing...surely THAT hasn't been done enough times to warrant the term 'cliche'...if it HAS been, I am shocked and frankly a bit intrigued.
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
qlt, the inclusion of all-things-psc in a chop is the cliche and not the overall image. oh, and I'm guilty of the cliche too so I can't complain.
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
ahhh...well it still would be funny here. Farts are cliche, and people still laugh at them.

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by clonestamp trooper
clonestamp trooper
Created November 16, 2005
19 votes   19 comments
550w x 595h (58KB)

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