Return of the baby ficus. I couldn't really tell how the hell that table was being held up from the picture, so I turned it into a shelf instead. Threw in some nice tacky wallpaper and the edge of a window to top it off. >_> |
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EFFING BEAUTIFUL! love everything here DoaC only one suggestion... make the table stop floating, crop it or put a leg up it its distracting IMPO... unless its one of those wall mount tables, then nevermind @.0
lots of work vote!, I see the brackets ! Don't put legs on. Spouse will b*tch about clutter LOL
Good work!...plant looks freshly watered"..~ nice lighting and shadows too"..~
great work (and clearly lots of it!). i like the inkblot wallpaper.
wallpaper vote! This looks good.
very nice! not easy to do at all
Death of a Clown
I tried to make two wall mounted bars hold it up. You can kind of see the two at the very bottom if you look close. I guess it is kind of lame. I'll take it off the wall and try to put legs on it instead.
or just crop it to the bottom of the table and let the imagination do the work for you (yea im lazy lol)
Death of a Clown
Alright, I added the legs to the table and removed the wall brackets. I thought I'd go with a tripod set up. I had to compress the image under less than 50% JPG quality to meet the site size guidelines, so it looks kind of pixelated.
Death of a Clown
Just noticed I forgot the shadows for the newly added legs. *smacks head* I'll fix it when I get the time.
Death of a Clown
Hmm... Maybe I should have left it wall mounted. It stopped getting votes after I added the legs. >_>
Tacky Wallpaper.
by Death of a Clown
Created November 23, 2005
10 votes
550w x 520h (73KB)
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