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Gazelle on the Savanna
Gazelle on the Savanna
Deer? What Deer? All I see is a darn Gazelle! I think this is one of the funnest chops I have ever done! Hand painted, only outside part on Gazelle is antler-horn things.

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TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
You hand-painted that landscape scene? How the heck did you do the grass?
Heinlein Heinlein
Nice work
Patre Patre
I like the setting and your handpainting works for a gazelle like effect..
karell karell
jad3 jad3
good one
yello_piggy yello_piggy
marcoballistic marcoballistic
nice one Mase, good work
TheShaman TheShaman
dude. well integrated.. pssst Gazelle... theres a Lion stalkin ya bud
Kansas Kansas
Beautiful! Well done.. Good job here... no question about it.
Eve Eve
I like it!
Elena Elena
Govan Govan
good job
mikey mikey
Awesome! ~
anabrin anabrin
Well done!
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
nice gazellification
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Netwel Netwel
Good job!
couldb5150 couldb5150
one word.........CLEAN!!!! it allot!!!!
claudiolky claudiolky
looks real..
Serps Serps
Cambria Cambria
Beautiful reconstruct on species change
santa santa
Persuader Persuader
well done =)
Michel Michel
nice change
anfa anfa
Cool chop! :)
16ozBud 16ozBud
3D vote
billtvshow billtvshow
Eepi Eepi
delucx delucx
armogeden armogeden
cool, if you ask me i dont think calderas should have done better than this... (or mine but hey)
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
you's a pimp. Out of town.
Wett Wett
nancers nancers
sage sage
cafn8d cafn8d
Claf Claf
Cool! Well done! :)
jazgraphic jazgraphic


mason4300 mason4300
I mean that the Everything I did to the deer is hand painted (In photoshop). The background is of course an outside source, sorry for the confusion, just trying to fit all I can into the limit. The Lion is also an outside source.
mason4300 mason4300
so whats so bad about this that it warrants less votes than Calderas? I don't get it...Someone tell me, so I can fix it.
mason4300 mason4300
heh, thanks armogeden. It's not the fact that I am in the place I am that's bothering me, it's just the fact that there are ones that don't seem very technically great. Like the Reinman one...haha. funny. but does it deserve the votes it h
mason4300 mason4300
anyone could've done that in 2 minutes. minus the 2 minutes it takes to find that image on google and boot up photoshop...whatever, I just thought that this site was overall about technical skill, not cheap laughs.
mason4300 mason4300
It just struck me; I never mentioned what this is supposed to actually be. Have you ever been to a big outdoors store like Cabela's? Some of them have big game displays with faux backdrops. that's what this is supposed to be like.

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 Gazelle on the Savanna
by mason4300
Created January 24, 2006
37 votes   5 comments
500w x 339h (111KB)

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