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Framed doggy
Framed doggy
All source. Dog shape inspired by an actual picture, done with dodge/burn tools. Wallpaper made with PS texture; I never thought they had any practical use!

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Kansas Kansas
how funny is this! very cool Michel......
L@rue L@rue
Denise Denise
kentq kentq
cool work...
Da_Dude Da_Dude
very creative!
Vlad Vlad
I like the way the hardware is partly the image and partly the frame.
Micose Micose
excellent, tro fort Michel
CarlC CarlC
Nice work
Persuader Persuader
absolutely fantastic chop Michel - it definitely deserves more votes!!
Eve Eve
HA, Michel this is great!
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Serps Serps
jefflang007 jefflang007
out of the box thinking, literally
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
j58roldan j58roldan
blue_lurker blue_lurker
another all source image. Sweet chop.
Krank Krank
sage sage
excellent job!
mightybeet mightybeet
claudiolky claudiolky
RiccardoS RiccardoS
anfa anfa
Wett Wett
rockprinzess rockprinzess
Perfect!!! =)
Roppa Roppa
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K9 vote
delucx delucx


alucard309 alucard309
That was smart!

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 Framed doggy
by Michel
Created February 20, 2006
28 votes   1 comments
550w x 600h (123KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  2
humor  1
idea  3
theme  0

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