Made the trunk into a speaker. Some erasing, remaking and adding the speaker unit. imported in studio and made some small changes to studio itself. |
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hope u don't mind constructive critism. imo. maybe put some type of support under the speakers, , the picture btween the speakers a bit confusing and either make them darker and the rest lighter or better yet use lighting effects. not certain why no
i never mind constructive critism. I am here to learn so please give me more. I didn't use support because i replaced the existing wall speakers in studio. I agree with the lighting. Will change it when i have time. Busy with 'work'. thx for u
Might also try adding a slight shadow around the speaker cones to give them some 3D feel on the case.
Studio Speakers
by Goeny
Created February 21, 2006
3 votes
550w x 588h (118KB)
Voting Qualities
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