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Microworld 6250 A.D.
Microworld 6250 A.D.
@ Rush Hour... Sources: [img]

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buglover buglover
FootFungas FootFungas
jimmy51 jimmy51
good idea!
Kansas Kansas
Such is a Bug's life in Rush hour!
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Dragonfly traffic reporter, cool
kentq kentq
which ones are the taxis? nice job
Micose Micose
karell karell
Cool idea
CarlC CarlC
and the catepillar comuter train...
mikey mikey
Stevster Stevster
Oh... how easily we're replaced.
Vlad Vlad
Very creative.
madraven madraven
Sim Ant vote
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
[ducks showcase and votes anyway]
Persuader Persuader
wow - i love your image shaman and i get it. really creative work and btw showcase "find a girlfriend!" ;o)
Trann Trann
Fun spin on the original. Extra vote for the drama that is the comments. :-)
200puls 200puls
bigbuck bigbuck
I like it Sean! I nice take on the source and great to see something a little different.
jeepers jeepers
Govan Govan
very creative,excellent
Eve Eve
Would've voted earlier but had to look through to see how many votes I got from Show....HEY, SHOW, PM!!! Nice one, Sean, but that dragonfly's flying against traffic! :)
dbbowling dbbowling
I love the creativity on this one :D
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
What? No crotch crickets?
wendysmurfie wendysmurfie
sheees, have to scroll all the way down to vote. Nice chop Shaman, and agree with Eve on the pm part :) then i wouldn't have to scroll so far lol
nav nav
Excellent Post!
j58roldan j58roldan
Great Job Shaman :)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
holy comments batman, we ain't had a comments box like this for a good while :oD, I like this Sean, and respect you for trying something different and enjoyable to view, nice work
Synthvet Synthvet
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Relax, Shaman. It's only one guy...
Krank Krank
After reading all those comments, I'm almost too tired to vote. Nice work though.
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
re: comments below. Are you shitting me? two of the most famous chops ever made here (j-elzic's portside and metalic's marathoners) didn't even use the source, but rather were 'inspired' by it. Go complain to them.
Goeny Goeny
I like what you did. I did see it without the lines and i liked it then too..
anabrin anabrin
Netwel Netwel
Cool! Can't believe i read all that nagging vote!
Cambria Cambria
I have always been fascinated with ant farms.. this reminds me of that. Creative idea, Sean!
Wett Wett
wow! thanks for taking the time on this ... awesome!
delucx delucx
nice creativity sean! :)
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
took me 15 minutes just to scroll down to the vote box! Nice chop, "Fire Ant Lane" is hilarious
Claf Claf
Very nice! :)
L@rue L@rue
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Nice work!


TheShaman TheShaman
yellow bugs are the taxi's the larger bugs are the trucks, and the ant with the leaf is the one with the ladder on the top ;) YES and seamusoisin caught what I was doing with the dragonfly!
Showcase Showcase
I dont get it. what happened to the starting image? did you actually use it anywhere in this?
TheShaman TheShaman
yes Showcase, the source was used as a reference for this creation. whats not to get? But you are correct... there isnt any source here
TheShaman TheShaman
Its not like I'm breaking new ground, many people have replaced entire source images to come up with 'something completely different'
TheShaman TheShaman
If you do a side by side comparison of this with the original, you'll see what I have done here.
Showcase Showcase
from the front page: "At Photoshop Contest users take a randomly chosen image, manipulate it and post it for the others to view, vote, comment and submit their own versions. "
Showcase Showcase
I get what you did but I dont get why. The idea is to change the starting image, not create a completely new image "inspired" but the starting image.
TheShaman TheShaman
NFS Showcase. sorry you dont like it. this isnt like I took a freakn picture and just posted it. It has most of the 'elements' as bugs now. call this "my own version"
TheShaman TheShaman
I've been here long enough to know the 'idea' who says you cant do what I've done... again its not like I posted a picture of some other random street with cars on it. everything thats placed is "inspired" as you say from the source.
Showcase Showcase
I think you're wrong to say that "many people have replaced the entire source". It doesnt happen that often. If this sort of approach becomes normal, whats the sense of having a starting image?
Showcase Showcase
May was well go with a themed contest and just provide ideas. Anywaaaaay, I can tell you're extremely offended so I'll drop it. Keep on truckin'
TheShaman TheShaman
PM me if you wish to continue this convo, and heres another example... & I got second place for that one. apparently you missed it.
Showcase Showcase
and for the record, I never said I didnt like what you did here.
TheShaman TheShaman
I'm not extremely offended, just curious why you CARE so much.
Vlad Vlad
Gotta agree with TheShaman on this. In fact I find this kind of image very creative and obviously an adaptation of the source. Also the rules are - there are no rules. Just don't vote if it bothers you.
TheShaman TheShaman
thank you Vlad! and agreed, theres plenty of other images, I could totally understand if there were money involved, but this is supposed to be about having FUN> I was merely trying to be different than the rest
TheShaman TheShaman
oh and another example of something thats not mine that has been inspired by the source, It's Clafs
Showcase Showcase
Vlad, I am not saying its not creative...but there IS one rule...Manipulate the starting image. TheShaman didnt do that...and I can't catch them all :)
TheShaman TheShaman
I didnt know you were part of the 'source police' Showcase LMFAO
TheShaman TheShaman
TheShaman TheShaman
not as great of an example but still, all I could come up with recently, I'm not about to go though thousands of entries to prove a point... with that I SAY GOODAY!
Showcase Showcase
look, forget it. I care too much?? Look in the mirror. One comment that isnt gratuitous praise and you've been offended and totally gone on the defensive . I didnt vote because I think it doesnt fit the contest not because I dont think its creative.
Showcase Showcase
You're wrong on that last one TheShaman. the bubbles are the pebbles in the substrate.
TheShaman TheShaman
thats why I said it wasnt a good example, anyway.... whoopie, you dont think it fits the contest. dont vote for it then. I never said you cared too much, just asked if you were part of the source police.
TheShaman TheShaman
Im upset because I put a S**tload of time into this one. Did I think it would win? No, I just wanted to do something alittle different than the rest of the pack. Sorry It is not up to your rules.
TheShaman TheShaman
who wants to see 60 images that are basically the same chop anyway?
Showcase Showcase
In fact, wise guy, Im the Chief of the Source Police. You'll be receiving your citation in the mail.
Showcase Showcase
oh, now you're so offended you're saying that the other entries lack creativity and arent worth looking at? ;)
TheShaman TheShaman
Great! I look forward to it Show. Check will be right back at ya in the mail. :P And no worries man, I dont have any more of these types of Inspirations coming up.
Showcase Showcase
and they are NOT my rules. its always been this way and as near as I can see, it wont change any time soon. and trust me, if I had seen the other images you linked for example, I would have made the same comments to them.
TheShaman TheShaman
yeah thats it Showcase, put words in my mouth. I love that effing game. please. Again, I as in me wanted to do something different. Move along Simon
TheShaman TheShaman
great! atleast you're trying to be consistant.
TheShaman TheShaman
Oh and thank you again Chief for the argument here on my entry, instead of taking this privately like I requested. Youre points are taken, for what its worth. I will try my best to live up to 'the rules'
TheShaman TheShaman
LMFAO I just went though all of my 170 images, I have 2 WHOLE votes from Showcase. TWO. I'm not upset anymore. I'm arguing with someone who doesnt like my work anyway....
Showcase Showcase
meh. I just dont vote much. Dont take it too personal. Im sorry you wasted all that time going through 170 images.
TheShaman TheShaman
not taking anything personal Show. (i know this is just for fun) and dont think I changed this for you.... I actually like the change, but I will give you credit for pushing me to do it.
TheShaman TheShaman
I'm sure I'll get some flak for changing this after all we went though for not sticking to my guns now Show LOL
TheShaman TheShaman
[img] for those who missed what the drama was about.. my original picture posted
CarlC CarlC
like = vote - dislike = no vote all other arguments are useless, which is a lot cleaner than what I wanted to say, btw Shaman I thought you'd like yesterdays post, did you miss it or just didn't like it? For what its worth I value your opinions h
TheShaman TheShaman
Thank you Tofudisan for a great idea... Fire Ant Lane has now been added!
Vlad Vlad
Perfect now everyone can vote for it due to the sprinking of source!
TheShaman TheShaman
LOL Vlad! & Thanks again for sticking up for me before!
TheShaman TheShaman
oh just because I looked up 'manipulate' for fun.... to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one's purpose... yep sounds like what I had done in the first place LMFAO
mikey mikey
Showcase never votes he dont have shit to say! ~ on second thought"
j58roldan j58roldan
"Let each man exercise the art he knows." Aristophanes (450 BC - 388 BC).
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
I think it'd look better without the painted lines.
TheShaman TheShaman
[img] this one is without painted lines DoaC
Showcase Showcase
Feral, you're WRONG. J-elzics used the rope and metalic's used all kinds of elements from the original such as the asphalt, the yellow lines, sneakers, etc....but nice try. :)
Showcase Showcase
Showcase Showcase
TheShaman, nice addition of the source. See? Was that so hard? :)
Showcase Showcase
also, TheShaman, if you're going to go all technical with definitions, you didnt change anything by any means, artful or otherwise. You created something all together new. thats not the same as manipulate...but nice try :)
Kansas Kansas
Sean leaves over the weekend... Doesn't see the computer... You guys trying to get him all charged up for when he returns on Monday.... For everyones health and peace of mind... Let it rest.
Claf Claf
Hey! My first win:
Claf Claf
Yup! 0 pixel from the original image... no that's not true... I used the white background! :)
Cambria Cambria
Does this win the "Most Commented" award?
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
My chalk entry didn't have any of the original source either. It did fairly well.
Claf Claf
No Cambria, I dont know if it was the most commented one, but I had 78 comments on this entry:
TheShaman TheShaman
HOLY EFFING COMMENTS BATMAN! well anyway thank you everyone for everything here, I def learned alot about what makes some people tick here at PSC

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 Microworld 6250 A.D.
by TheShaman
Created March 02, 2006
41 votes   58 comments
550w x 600h (120KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  2
humor  0
idea  10
theme  1

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