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TheShaman TheShaman
Stevster Stevster
So clean...the reflection looks cool on the table!
bigbuck bigbuck
Great Claudio!
dbbowling dbbowling
jad3 jad3
nice one
Heinlein Heinlein
Very good
FootFungas FootFungas
Kansas Kansas
I think this is great!
Denypas Denypas
madraven madraven
Well done.
IvanPanov IvanPanov
it's you again :) nice idea!
Drowe Drowe
Govan Govan
Denise Denise
blitzleo blitzleo
Chukn8r Chukn8r
Lord David Lord David


Showcase Showcase
would you people look at the source before adding gratuitous praise? [img] please??
Stevster Stevster
CORRECTION: The (BATTERY) reflection looks cool on the table! Didn't want to offend.
claudiolky claudiolky
Showcase: you do not need to write to the pleople to look my source work. Always I put at the author's note. Why you are so annoying? You are a spy or a controller/inspector
Showcase Showcase
why yes, yes I am, Claudio. Dont tell anyone but Im a top notch international spy controller kind of inpector sorta guy. Its a good way to get chicks.

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by claudiolky
Created April 25, 2006
17 votes   4 comments
550w x 550h (122KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  1
humor  0
idea  4
theme  0

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