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Another View Point
Another View Point
This was the best i could do unfortunetly:(( ...with the original picture and some pictures with pieces of metal that loked pretty much the same with the ones in the original pic. Hope You Like It Guys...

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TheShaman TheShaman
i like it alot
It&C It&C
I know your dream is to win at least a single contest but it seams these guys exept your friend Marco and The Shaman & all the guys that vote you don't see your skils and talent..i'm very sorry Bogdan i'm very sorry...:( Best Of Luck
BroChris BroChris
Nice use of light/dark.
Stevster Stevster
I'll be honest, the source is hard for me to spot but the image is very very nice. Do you have any source images you could post. Either way, you got my vote!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
are they the original struts running through the top of the image, if so this is great Bogdan, love the colour
Trann Trann
Very nice change of view.
Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
my favorite today!!!
IvanPanov IvanPanov
yep it's cool
bigbuck bigbuck
madraven madraven
mikey mikey
GrampZ GrampZ
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
those aliens are in there somewhere
eClearly eClearly
Heinlein Heinlein
Nice work
Prince Laurent Prince Laurent
What Trann said !
delucx delucx
Wett Wett
Caldera Caldera
Claf Claf
Very nice! :)
Eepi Eepi
sage sage


volkswes volkswes
It's a nice looking imagebut......I must be missing it.....what part of the original is used and where
BogdanRules BogdanRules
Thanks Guys !! Thanks A Lot !!
BogdanRules BogdanRules
Volkswes from the original pic i just took the ideea and a few metal bars !!
style07 style07
wa asta fu mishto ... cik merityi voturile pe ea !!! ... e prea tarziu k sa te votez ... tine o tot asa ! ;)

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 Another View Point
by BogdanRules
Created May 04, 2006
22 votes   4 comments
500w x 500h (63KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  4
humor  0
idea  2
theme  3

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