ScionShade wrote:
As an avid swimmer...I like the goggle wrap, but really need to see a much much much sweeter pair on there, as is, that set...meh.
Got any suggestions Joe? I'm not much of a swimmer so I'm not up on all the latest gear. I just wanted to find a pic with the goggles in that "open" shape so I could put the WR inside them. This is still a pretty rough version.
Also what color should I make the lenses? I personally don't like the orange with the red and black of the logo.
vokaris wrote:
OH! Good idea! I totally forgot about that! And thanks for the feedback on the 2. I'll work on it today.
Edit: Good thing I went to VectorMagic quickly.
The Vector Magic research project is coming to an end. While a precise end-date is not yet set, the computer resources so graciously provided by Stanford will need to be reallocated to other research projects within the next few weeks.
My wife says I need a different font too. I'm gonna try one of the fonts from the "property of" shirts. Hopefully that'll look better.
Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey