Tofu - eet eez basically
INSANE for anyone to try and give you advice based on histograms WITHOUT the actual image. Those spikes could be highlights on water or bright red polkadots on a gray background or even the sparkle of tears on a new bride's face...
(*urg... I think I just puked a bit in my mouth there...

With my example below, it is VERY hard, even with the image in VIEW, to make a lot of sense of the colour channel histograms. Though you CAN see a very small spike up at the HIGHLIGHT end, which would be those clouds, and it is rather heavey in the SHADOWS end, which would be all those dark bus windows and that heavy dark blue sky. But try and guess exposure issues specifically just the histograms? VERY TRICKY, my friend. VERY tricky.
So - you can't show us the actual image (I can understand that - i've signed some non-disclosure shite before myself) but can you find some SIMILAR images to post so we can help you better? Huh? Can you? I BET you can't?

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!