OK, I will be bold and honest. Here is what I see...
The site is smooth and clean looking, I like that. looks nice.
what I dont like are the lack of interactions, I have no reason to go back unless I simply want to order garlic.. and I love garlic. but its not memorable . It needs personality.
Send a message to order.
I would suggest some type of merchant/cart type of placement..
or at least specify how the payments are taken.
Do they take credit cards, checks, phone orders?
Are we supposed to put the credit card info into the contact form? There is no security cert,
Coming form a ecommerce merchant, i can tell you the customers want to know how to buy, how they can pay, and when they are doing so, that it is secure. People like automation. they dont necessarily want to tell a human their card number.
They dont want to have to set by the phone for *what duration of time* waiting for the company to call them. they have things to do....
recipes section that updates daily or weekly, something to make people have a reason to come back
Sign up for a news letter?
What have our satisfied customers been saying?
What are our customers doing with their garlic? Let the customers place reviews, send in pictures of their latest creations.
those are all forms of SEO, they make people come back..
If a site stays dormant, google will assume the owner fell asleep, rank will drop or wont rise.
It needs to be updated constantly..