Greetings people of planet Earth,
When a colleague at work is celebrating his or her birthday, we always decorate his or her desk and I am always the "Photoshop guy" who makes a funny poster.
But this time, on the 19th of October it's the bday of Mr.Bossman himself...he's turning 40!
So we want to do something special, but something more than just decorating and a poster.
But we need help, that's why I am asking for ideas. I know you guys are creative!
Some things about him, he's French, not so big and he will be 40 years old. (and he has a French Bulldog)
Ideas so far are to decorate his house (he lives close to the company) and the road to his work.
Decorate his desk with sticky notes, give him a walking frame (rollator) and talk REALLY LOUD to him.
Hmm...but he really doesn't like the attention, so he threatened to fire all of us if we do something funny.
Ideas are welcome! THANKS!
PS: I know lots of you guys are waaaaaaay older than 40, so please don't feel offended