Wow, I'm in a poll ... what a long, strange trip it's been

I won't vote, but just a few comments. First off I cannot understand the vote gap either, both chops rock (if I don't say so myself ... lol). Secondly, when I saw on the first day of posting that Al and I had done such a similar picture I figured we would rob each other of any chance to win this contest, so it was totally surprising when it did turn out the way it did.
Here is the problem I had with this contest in particular, but others as well I'm sure ... and perhaps this should have been the poll question. Since it ended in a vote tie, it is the picture that was posted first that wins. In this case I believe Buglover's picture was posted before mine (I may be wrong about this, but I believe that is was that way on the first day) but an edit was made that pushed it back in queue ... therefore mine appeared as if it was posted first. I believe there should be multiple winning entries if the voting ends up tied. After this contest I was actually going to contact JMH and ask him to give this contest to the Bug, because if he hadn't edited his entry he would have won by the present contest rules. In the end I was too busy with real life stuff to IM him, but that offer still stands. In the end the voting and contest stuff doesn't mean as much to me as it seems to mean to others, so I would gladly give it to the entry that should have rightfully won.
It is always about how you feel about your entry that counts. I was extremely happy with how I pulled this one off, and when I saw that one of the PSC choppers I really respect had the same idea I felt great ... knowing that if Al had that idea too that my idea didn't suck ... lol. Again, about the vote difference I'm not sure what to say, other than I know if certain pictures get on a roll and stay near the top that they can tend to garner votes throughout the contest, and maybe even get a late vote rush (which my pic did). All I can say is I voted for Al's, because great minds do think alike ... right bud