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Feral Hamster
hm...after all this time i found out what 5150 means...i always thought they were just some random numbers. and i agree, you very well could be. :)
5150 is a section of California's Welfare and Institutions Code which deals with involuntary confinement of a person for the purposes of a psychiatric evaluation.
Feral Hamster
yeah, that's what i read. he's loony, i tell ya.
Do you use Flash for your GIF's? If you do, you should take advantage of the small file size and make more frames... perhaps even tween...
Im not mental!!....And neither am I ...nor me either!!! Bwahahahaha...just make the voices in my head go away....and someone get me a cat, an extension chord, and a fork!!!!!
HellaZr i use image ready in photoshop to do the gifs and yes i could use flash but prefer to stay within the constraints of PSC & use PS......would be allot smoother in flash though huh ????:)
Stolen Ambulance Cont
by couldb5150
Created June 08, 2006
20 votes
372w x 288h (123KB)
Voting Qualities
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0 |
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2 |
humor |
3 |
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