Not much to work with, so now it's MCE inspired art, enjoy. |
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Paul Von Stetina
Lg. version I hope [img] I did not put a shadow under the wire, in the center of the image, for a reason, in case your thinking I forgot it :)=
the burning couch
I think it would loose effective quality with a shadow.
Paul Von Stetina
Thanks couch, but I think the shadow is needed more than ever now! lol, even though this bombed, you know, I like it too damnit :)= the colors are too dull, but that's what I got :)= from all source
the burning couch
You cant really say that this bombed Paul, I mean look who voted.Some REAL Good choppers there.
the burning couch
...and Great artists too I should add
Paul Von Stetina
Corner Shelf
by Paul Von Stetina
Created July 07, 2006
12 votes
1275w x 955h (437KB)
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