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La Naissance du Monde
La Naissance du Monde

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bx3800 bx3800
virgin mary subtle:.
Heinlein Heinlein
Another vote from me :)
sipher69 sipher69
omg , what was that?:))))))))))))))))))))0
Sulemi Sulemi
I like it!
Michel Michel
Courbet! Petit coquin, va!
the burning couch the burning couch
I like this better than the other.
rashdog rashdog
very nice
Stevster Stevster
two good entries in one day!
Mir Mir
very imagnative..............
L@rue L@rue
Grefix Grefix
great idea
Caldera Caldera
Great ... glad I looked this contest over again.
Eepi Eepi
Claf Claf
"I had the same idea, but I had no time... and I already made one vagina entry... that I deleted" vote! :)
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
OMG! don't turn this upside down whatever you do!!! you know this is how people get holes in their fences Naiko, lol, some people saw the Virgin Mary, you just saw Mary's Vagina, and that's Ok with me.
16ozBud 16ozBud
Wow... TAINT! I see TAINT
buglover buglover


Micose Micose
this isn't porn mods, i hope u'll get it...
Micose Micose
of course u do Burning hahahaa
Claf Claf
Why nobody's offended? My "similar idea" entry was maybe more realistic but... I dont understand! Naïko, I'll give you a link to show you what I'm talking about. I figure you never saw it, you became a member later...
Claf Claf
It was about that contest:
Claf Claf
Here's the result: [img]
Micose Micose
u're wrong i even saw your chop the first month i came here, i know weell your portofolio my friend...and i was thinking of your chop when doing this one...hehe...this entry you did is just fantastic, it's real art, no way i would have deleted i
Claf Claf
Micose Micose
the technical, the aesthetical power of your pic, and its cleverness (engl?) deserved a win. I think wihout vanity, that if u, me and others keep doing things like this sometimes, its good, not offfending, not provoking...this is called beauty.
ScionShade ScionShade
Well, if it's supposed to be a vagina..uhh...?....ok...if you guys say so.
Micose Micose
well its whatever u want, i didn't do a lot on the source except a bit stretching with
Micose Micose
...burning a bit too..hahahaa
Micose Micose
some people saw the Virgin Mary, you just saw Mary's Vagina, and that's Ok with me.
Micose Micose
ScionShade ScionShade
Well,since you think it's 'beauty'. Take a moment to ask yourself why not one female on this site found it worth a vote. Sulemi does not count--she just votes for the first 25 imgaes everyday anyway.

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 La Naissance du Monde
by Micose
Created July 16, 2006
17 votes   14 comments
550w x 595h (162KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  1
humor  1
idea  2
theme  1

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