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Happy Frog Cola
Happy Frog Cola
All Source & PS. The tin/can is made from the leaf on which the frog was sitting..see large.

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ReyRey ReyRey
Wow, Im gonna run out of votes today. Good 1
bigbuck bigbuck
timea timea
100% natural frog saliva, no adeed sugar...! :) Really nice all source work!
Less than Zero Less than Zero
Nice work Ace!
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
annajon annajon
marcoballistic marcoballistic
or maybe not so happy now he is a can ha haaa, great
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Nice work on the can and drops. Now that tutorial on water drops comes back to mind. ;-)
Eve Eve
Original and fun
cherylm329 cherylm329
holder holder
Soze Soze
love this
Granulated Granulated
how many calories is it manoj??? i have to keep my figure for the ladies ;)
rockyjob rockyjob
Serps Serps
welan welan
Salvezza Salvezza
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
Nice! I like the water droplets!
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Like this very much.
abraham abraham
geeren geeren
Fetamin Fetamin
yello_piggy yello_piggy
anabrin anabrin
:-@dolly :-@dolly
Janfet Janfet
jrcftw88 jrcftw88
zorro13 zorro13
Persuader Persuader
tadams tadams
Nice idea. The graininess of the background is at odds with the foreground.
JClark8220 JClark8220
All source and PS. If it wasn't that, what else would it be? Also, wouldn't the drops over the letters distort them a bit? Great idea though.
Oscar Oscar
Claf Claf
dumbat dumbat
would like to see more realistic variation in reflections in the water droplets :)
Tesore Tesore
Tarmac Tarmac
tastes like chicken soda..!?


annajon annajon
Crisp, cool, inviting - hope it is non alcoholic, because it sure looks like this would quench your thirst, bigtime! You def. know your waterdropplets! Happy Valentineday, acemanoj!

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 Happy Frog Cola
by acemanoj
Created February 13, 2008
37 votes   1 comments
900w x 960h (491KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  2
humor  0
idea  4
theme  0

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