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Steak UPDATED #4 ;)
Steak UPDATED #4 ;)
all source and photoshop work. (Final) Updated per requests via comments and pm's may have to refresh browser, please view large for detail ;)

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billtvshow billtvshow
Salvezza Salvezza
pollyO pollyO
annajon annajon
Leave it a little longer and I am in for one...
Heinlein Heinlein
Awesome Matt! Great idea, and Well Done. (No pun intended)
Designed2522 Designed2522
Lol, great use of source!!!
:-@dolly :-@dolly
yello_piggy yello_piggy
marcoballistic marcoballistic
yes sir Matt, this is great choppin'
TheShaman TheShaman
medium rare please... only complaint is the extra clean grill. must be the first use. Ain't you never heard of seasoning it? LOL
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
You NEVER cut your steak while it's on the grill! Shame on you! ;-)
cpendy cpendy
Melusky Melusky
I'm hungry and excellent idea
stive stive
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Nice me...if the steak looked a little would pull it together a bit more...and what Shaman said...if ya add a little black bumpy texture...ya get closer to a grill...but nice chop regardless!
Martrex Martrex
Anke Anke
geeren geeren
podgorski podgorski
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Allright Matt, you influenced my tonight's dinner. Steak :D great job!
mikey mikey
Granulated Granulated
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Dead Man Dead Man
Serps Serps
Nice work
StephenBif StephenBif
hectord27 hectord27
yum yums
Eve Eve
great idea
kazzius kazzius
Made me hungry
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
I like this ALOT!!
Soze Soze
best idea today Matt, and exellent ps work
bigbuck bigbuck
krissrussel krissrussel
Mel47 Mel47
dumbat dumbat
nice one
max&roro max&roro
Less than Zero Less than Zero
Great Work, looks very real!
tadams tadams
Medium rare, please! And, easy on the salt.
greeneyes greeneyes
the best
zorro13 zorro13
Very realistic barbecue...mmmmm....
lorys lorys
dbbowling dbbowling
Micose Micose
winner for me (originality)
Netwel Netwel
brenda brenda
bneises bneises
anabrin anabrin
the burning couch the burning couch
That looks much betta...Very Good work*!
gsenthil gsenthil
I like your idea
Synthvet Synthvet
Eragon Eragon
nice idea
Tarmac Tarmac
very cool Matt, is there enough to go around for everybody? .. ;)
Tesore Tesore


thanks for the suggestions and tips i will work on that please look for an update soon ;)
Ok i updated the image i added steak moister/juices, dirtied up the clean grill slats, and added luminosity to the underside of steak and inner bbq surface from the glowing coals. thanks for the ideas and suggestions hope this is better ;)
second update i worked on the moister drops a tad bit more ;)
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Grill is much better...but now the steak may be TOO juicy! :)
ok i have updated for the 3rd time toned down the glow in the bbq grill and tried to make the moister/ juices look more realistic. please refresh you browser if needed ;)
TheShaman TheShaman
Super! one last thing brother... the grill looks great, but wouldn't the light source be coming from underneath too? so some redish hue on both sides of the grates? not pure black on one side and white on the other?
Heinlein Heinlein
Excellent Updates Matt. Your skills are sure improving each and every day. Keep up the good work :)
thanks jim for the kind words i appreciate it. and sean you are totally right... voks has been talking to me and he brought that up as well i totally missed that on my last update. i'll submit my 4th update w/ redish hue on the grill slats soon thanx ;)
4th and final update... i added glowing to the underneath side of the grill slats i hope this is better. i want to thank all that gave me guidence in this entry i learned a lot from it ;)
TheShaman TheShaman
there ya go! nice :D
thank you all for the help comments and votes i felt like a short order cook lol durring the whole time ;)

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 Steak UPDATED #4 ;)
Created March 05, 2008
54 votes   11 comments
1280w x 960h (472KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  3
execution  4
humor  0
idea  10
theme  0

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