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Puppy Ball
Puppy Ball
The photo has been taken by "Stofvinger". Updated the image. The pup is now also spherized giving it an extra dimension. (Thanks again 'stofvinger')

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Heinlein Heinlein
mellowdesign mellowdesign
Martrex Martrex
Nice idea, but reflections and highlights on face of ball would look more realistic.
anabe anabe
caprix3 caprix3
manic_d manic_d
Mel47 Mel47
Serps Serps
jazgraphic jazgraphic


Salvezza Salvezza
trally like this, but I ran out of votes way before you entered it. So sorry.
Mira Mira
@salvezza No Problem ;) Would have liked your vote, but it's ok ... It's difficult to create something within the 3 day period, especially for me. (and all the work it still needs..)
Mira Mira
@Martrex It still needs work and I do need some help creating realistic reflections and highlights, but had fun making it ;) A few more to go :lol:
stofvinger stofvinger
Good idea, nice work on the masking. Maybe, a spherize filter on the puppy would make it more real.
Mira Mira
@stofvinger It was my intention to spherize the pup as well, but forgot in the end. Looks better. I will save it and change the image. Thanks for the tip and the use of the photo :wink:
neat idea... i was trying to find this tut for you on sphears. but i can't locate it. so i hope you don't mind a step by step thing... for a sphear make a square filled w/ blackin a new layer. next go to filter> render> lense flare...
... choose 105 prime at a level of 100% apply it to the upper left hand coner, click ok... go to filter> distort> polar quardnents... apply the "polar to rectangle" button and click ok... next go to edit> free transform> then rotate the image 180 deg...
...go to filter> distort> polar quardnents... apply the " rectangle to polar " button hit ok...then make a circle selection (holding the shift key makes a perfect circle) once happy inverse you selection and feather your edges by 1% (select feater)...
... lastly make your spher layer to a setting of overlay and 80%.... that is the basic steps to it. play w/ them and find what you feel is best and just have fun. i hope that helps. sorry for the long comments i mean no harm ;)

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 Puppy Ball
by Mira
Created April 14, 2008
11 votes   9 comments
800w x 600h (108KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
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humor  2
idea  1
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