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I think this is extremely funny mango, but I vote on the other one...
Thanks Shaman. But I'm glad I did enter two images... I thought this one was going to be the better received of the two - but obviously what do I know?
if you thought this would be received better than your other then U need meds Mango, your other is ace, especially with the update, this is so simple in comparison, some nice details, but the skill & work between the 2 R like poles apart, massive chasm
Bugger. I just loved the dude hanging from the rope. Maybe I drank too much that night - I was pissing myself laughing at my own brilliance.... then I woke up.
Anyways, I trust this answers your frequent suggestions to only post one entry - WTF do I know about what the proletariat likes or dislikes - it's obviously nothing like my sensibilities. I still like this one better than my other. Such is life.
I spent 7 years living and working in Boston (USA) and had to endure the regular comments of "isn't everything upside-down?" etc etc mingled with the odd kangaroo joke. Maybe I was emotionally scarred. Guess I could have called it "Topsy Turvey" inst
Yep. I usually only vote for the better of two entries too. But this one is just too funny ...and close to home also! Seriously though mango, start posting one entry and stop splitting your vote. Go Aussies! At least we dont have to clean our gutters out!
focus on one, and the force will be with you ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Australian Family Life
by mangochutney
Created September 04, 2008
14 votes
1280w x 960h (497KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
0 |
execution |
0 |
humor |
6 |
idea |
1 |
theme |
0 |
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