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initial foot to hand work here: [img]

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Hagen Hagen
Fantastic work and use of source...! I love it...! Great work on the "creased" effect if I can say so... Plz english friends tell me how you would call that effect in english...! +1
annajon annajon
Ammorio Ammorio
nat_g31 nat_g31
hagan- its called "the vagimal effect". Lol
Rangizzz Rangizzz
Yeah! Gynaecologist vote!! :D :D LMAO of you guys :D Anyway awesome idea and execution!
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
CarlC CarlC
you always cause such a stir lol
LOL. Good idea.
nice one mark
Pictorescue Pictorescue
i don't treat her like this.
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
This is just what Goatse looks like from the inside. BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
NButler NButler
erotic :)
rbtheillusionist rbtheillusionist
I always wanted to be a gynecologist, because I heard that there were alot of openings in the field!
penttbom penttbom
let us in let us in!
Tesore Tesore
*Says nothing*
kiikerce kiikerce
seelcraft seelcraft
Tommeken Tommeken
Griek Griek
sweetfelinity sweetfelinity
Really nice work
glennhanna glennhanna
Wiz Wiz
"Why, hellooo Mr Gynecologist, are you here to help me escape? LOL! Love it M! ;-)
iboudesign iboudesign
Salvezza Salvezza
needs something...maybe some kind of scenery in the background.
Pearcinator Pearcinator
I still dont believe it was unintentional...I think you purposely made it look like this because I have no idea how you can see anything else!
pollyO pollyO
Napalm32 Napalm32
Martrex Martrex
The only question left is coming in or going out??? ; )
Granulated Granulated
delia delia
Jake420 Jake420
lady bits vote lol
st1n3r st1n3r
Claf Claf
What! We have right to chop a vagina? All right, I want my eel vagina back then! :P
anabe anabe
L@rue L@rue


marcoballistic marcoballistic
I would call it a crease ... ummm effect lol
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol @ Nath noooooooo
Hagen Hagen
@ Nat - LoL...! Souldn't it be a "n" instead of the "m" or I just did not get it...? Anyway...! Thanks for the answer guys...!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
nah vagimal is juuuust fine lol
marcoballistic marcoballistic
trust you warped minded guys to twist the meaning of the image lol
Pearcinator Pearcinator
what was the intended message Marco? All I see is a 'vagimal effect'
Rangizzz Rangizzz
You should call this "The Birth" or "That's how it all begins" :D :D
Rangizzz Rangizzz
"C'mon out boy. Don't be shy, it's fun out here!" :D lmao, Fav'd
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol its not lady bits, but I do like your idea Rangi :)
bogonet bogonet
Well, who didn't recognize these hands as being theirs, must be the INSIDE guy :)
nat_g31 nat_g31
vagimal? Cant believe I misspelled the holey of holeys. Lol!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol @ Rb
piksels piksels
i called my name and it was spik spik spikels LOl good one
Tesore Tesore
Your a shame for the front page!!! Congrats hahahaha ;-)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
ha ha ha Paola its not a lady garden!!!
cafn8d cafn8d
Saw a neat effect on the PSC homepage of hands tearing through the background, seamlessly blending in to the rest of the page. I came to take a closer look and see one after another "vagimal" comment... Geez, you guys! Now I'm keeping my legs crossed!
cafn8d cafn8d
Same mental effect on me as seeing a guy get hit by a hard object "in the family jewels" has on most guys. :P Couldn't this just STAY a pair of hands tearing through the endless white background of PSC??? eesh!
arcaico arcaico
you fucktards keep bringing shit to win the contests??? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE????
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
We do it just to piss you off arc. Duh.
nat_g31 nat_g31
better then the entry you did in this contest. . . fucktard!!!
Congrats Marco! Nice work. Were the hell are my keys!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
awww I annoyed Arc, what a shame.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
cheers people

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by marcoballistic
Created June 07, 2010
37 votes   23 comments
825w x 900h (117KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  8
humor  2
idea  3
theme  0

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