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Cake Art
Cake Art
Cake Art: 5 Hours Work, PS6, All Source.

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Zingaro Zingaro
damn you bill thats cool!!!
supak0ma supak0ma
Azionite Azionite
good show!
ronni3264 ronni3264
Wett Wett
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
nice one hereeeeee!:P
screwloose screwloose
What a Great and Original Idea!
theduplicate theduplicate
so cretive !! nice
deshone deshone
theplague theplague
Yep :]
nancers nancers
Michel Michel
Alex Alex
I had the same idea, but with 4 birds... ;) Good show.
velocity velocity
allygirl520 allygirl520
my coworker daniel says that's the suckiest photoshop he's ever seen. but i'm voting for it anyways (daniel is a wanker)
anfa anfa
Nice one!
relax relax
Oh, yeah!
arcaico arcaico
Patre Patre
Artistic cake..
Applepoo Applepoo
Very unique
nikiS nikiS
marilyn marilyn
hellraiser hellraiser
Now, I'm hungry.
Michelangelo Michelangelo
UCH, I want to go there!
buglover buglover
I'ld love to get that in my brain, but there is just rain.
Gort Gort
that's so creative and clever...good one!
holysmak holysmak
demasiadoman demasiadoman
cake art. yeah.
MoZub MoZub
cool cool cool!
Cynn Cynn
Nice thinking! Needs little men with spears, and a buffalo. ;)
nyxxie nyxxie
lostagain lostagain
spencej1129 spencej1129
bluefist bluefist
Love it...HOWEVER that should have really taken you no more than an hour...TOPS.
hasjboer hasjboer
nice one, great job!
styson styson
*smacks lips*
mint mint
Roppa Roppa
OneChiefRocker OneChiefRocker
AEaglenFitch AEaglenFitch
Right on! great job, thinking out of the box!
Serps Serps
3rian 3rian
out of this world bill
phoenixtilt phoenixtilt
I cant belive this is doing this well VOTE
Powershot1973 Powershot1973
very creative
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
hmmmmmmmm sumone do lunch whilst postink?
occecid occecid
Simple, nice, artistic, creative... and it goes great with coffee.
Ms_Nicole Ms_Nicole
JoePhila JoePhila
very nice
siem siem
Chukn8r Chukn8r
gravyboat gravyboat
Wow Bill. This proves your ability to translate a unique point of view into a very creative work. Bravo.
fempie fempie
sage sage
excellent creative!
HKlevjer HKlevjer
you got the touché on "papyrus-stuff" cookies!
1337hax0r 1337hax0r
Dside666 Dside666
how did u think of that?
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Very disapoint Bill, was looking for another 20 hour image and a dragon to boot. Nice work as always Sir.
Square Square
Doodler! Doodler!
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Very creative work here, good job!
claudiolky claudiolky
magnific deserve the first place...
dbbowling dbbowling
nice :)
txpinky txpinky
well done
NShadows NShadows
agree with occ! very well done!
ramba ramba
very nice


Zimarooski Zimarooski
How did that take you FIVE hours? :o
allygirl520 allygirl520
it does kind of look like some sort of acid trip or something
billtvshow billtvshow
Yeah if you take away the absinthe, it was only about 4. ;)
billtvshow billtvshow
I almost forgot it shows the author notes now. I probably reconstructed the background way different than post people would. I think it was probably more like 4 anyways on the actual work.
billtvshow billtvshow
oops post=most And thanks for the votes and comments everyone, I am still feeling my way around ps, I'll get quicker.
anfa anfa
You bloody lier, you just like pssing me off every time you post!
billtvshow billtvshow
;) That's my boy anfa. Team Buceta represent.

 Mmmm Cake
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 Cake Art
by billtvshow
Created April 13, 2005
66 votes   8 comments
455w x 575h (72KB)

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