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Oh come on Senzo! You're a good chopper, you don't have to cheat. 8(
Oh, you cant vote. so youre just giving me this? Thanx allot aliased. NOT !!! Hopefully this has not bad-infuence. :D
@ aliased: Tell me what you cant believe, Than I give you some technical information, had many effort on this one, so i think its very rude to put this on my entry. Dont Underrate Photoshop. :P
I removed the source link for misunderstandings.Even if it was cheating. choppers vote for the overall-looking, aspects, creation, fun, creation and many other reasons I think. Enjoy choppin, Im out. :D
Oh crap, dubble creation in my last comment, hmm.... its not that bad I think..... Final add :)
I was about to compliment you on the excellent distortion of the coins, when I noticed that you did not use the image of the empty jar from the sources you provided. That is cheating. Many people will vote based on those sources. You are right, photshop s
Ok ok, you parasite, you got me, Hopefully your a verry happy jerry :P I didn`t use the emty jar, sorry I wont do it ever again (first and last time) But I did removed a key from the hand and put the coin, came up with the idea, made the integration with
(All comments before and this one are ment for to aliased) Thanx for atleast some compliment. Im sorry for all my other viewers. :S
niceeeeeeeee very good but give my the money in that vote to me!
Save it up...
by <senzotaku>
Created June 27, 2005
36 votes
411w x 600h (74KB)
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