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kevin kevin
mere_artist mere_artist
16ozBud 16ozBud
cowboy399 cowboy399
hellraiser hellraiser
gowappy gowappy
a mixed breed vote...
billtvshow billtvshow
blue_lurker blue_lurker
sweet as...
bluefist bluefist
babydoll86 babydoll86
TheShaman TheShaman
mikey mikey
Nice inclusion"> and color"
style07 style07
he he he ... nice
ReyRey ReyRey
Very cool. Nice color shift.
Patre Patre
Inventive use of source,yello, and I like your color scheme.
claudiolky claudiolky
new specimen vote
wcgems wcgems
ScottyMiami ScottyMiami
muahahaha. This is cool!
pitbullz pitbullz
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
I'm surprised it's orange and not yello. ;-)
Goat1981 Goat1981
Very nice! Crisp!
Da_Dude Da_Dude
1337hax0r 1337hax0r
so that's happend when a snail mates w/ a frog :)
Caldera Caldera
This is just wrong, but so well done.
Freakboy Freakboy
rockymike rockymike
Good Stuff
div1sion div1sion
lol :)
clonestamp trooper clonestamp trooper
powerpraise100 powerpraise100
jocker_r jocker_r comment! ..very good piece of work! :)
ayok ayok
good one
delucx delucx
excellent job yello!
CarlC CarlC
Too funny! You saved me having to enter on today, THIS WINS.
*=J=* *=J=*
Cambria Cambria
Excellent morph.... bitter comments belong in private IMHO
tallwalker tallwalker
jefflang007 jefflang007
you have one great imagination piggy. nice chop
anfa anfa
Simple cut and paste with some color correction vote! ;)
Persuader Persuader
geniale idee und sehr sauber umgesetzt - könnte glatt eine metapher sein für: ich würd gern riesige sprünge machen aber ich komm nur im schneckentempo voran! =) - trifft auch auf deutschland zu x(
yomar yomar
Kelult!.. Dit is een "good chop" en daarmee basta!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
crazy fog indeed lol
Wett Wett
nice find, nice placement, nice pic, fun read :D
RobMurphy RobMurphy
what an idea!!
jeepers jeepers
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
Morbid circle arts Morbid circle arts
olive olive
splodge splodge
occecid occecid
cafn8d cafn8d
Ignoring prior comments... It's a seamless graft of the two critters; perfect color, texture, and lighting matching! (I do think I'd have prefered to see the slug sit on the leaf where the frog hadbeen, with that complimenting orange flower.) NICE
jazgraphic jazgraphic


Denise Denise
killingzooey killingzooey
oh wow, this is gorgeous! sorry, can´t vote yet!
yello_piggy yello_piggy
thank you all for your votes and comments. never been so far on the top so far ... oh how exciting ;-)
Showcase Showcase
Is this all it takes to win now?
Showcase Showcase
is this all it takes to win now?
Showcase Showcase
will I stop hitting the comment button now?
Eve Eve
Did Scion go and change names? :-)
Luxalicious Luxalicious
Colourful! Nice choice of source pics and a gr8 chop...its all in teh idea's not the sources ;)
ScionShade ScionShade
Actually Show is a lot tougher on comments than I am, BUT Truth be told I woulda given this image huge props if the frogs head was at least re-oriented to fit the image. Great job on colorization.
ScionShade ScionShade
Might aw well take this oppurtunity to remind my fellow choppers to consider that most comments of a critical nature are pointed at the voter being irresponsible and not at the creator of the chop.
Showcase Showcase
Speak for yourself you devious prankster! my comments of a critical nature are meant for whoever...or is it whomever...hmmmm...anyway, they're meant for the ones I meant them for and no one else.
Showcase Showcase
so take that you pugnant prattler!
ScionShade ScionShade
Hold on THERE! I'm working on a zinger comeback..gimme a minute.
ScionShade ScionShade
hey, are we even allowed to have a conversation in the 'comment' section? You better not be getting me banded pumpkin poker.
Eve Eve
PUMBPKIN POKER ---ah, you can do better than that. I've never laughed harder than today. You guys are crazy (and I mean that in the best way).
Eve Eve
oh, meant Pumpkin Poker! hahahahahahahaha
yello_piggy yello_piggy
thank you showcase for speaking out what everybody can see as soon he (she) klicks on the link, thats why I added it *surprise* I dont know why you are doing this, maybe you felt offended by me when I commented your jokes on handicapped children ...
yello_piggy yello_piggy
... because why you shut up on other crappy almost winning entries and hit on mine? anyway, I hope that people are free enough to build their own opinion on my entry and some of them like it enough to ignore idiotic comments!
yello_piggy yello_piggy
and showass, if you had a second look, you would see that there's a bit more than a copy/paste chop
ScionShade ScionShade
THAT IS REDICULOUS!!! This is a "Photoshop Contest" and he is discussing a 'Manipulated Image"--that's what we are here for and anyone has EVERY RIGHT to discuss any image posted here. His are honest - unlike yours.
ScionShade ScionShade
If it were not for the 255 word character limit. You'd be reading the script to "planet of the Apes" rightn now.
ScionShade ScionShade
And what do you mean about all those "Other Crappy winning entries"? Point them out for me will ya?
Showcase Showcase
yes, thank you Yellow Piggy for calling me names. Unlike you, I dont turn this into something personal and dont care what you think about handicapped kids (Scion is a bit different than most but he's still a good kid ;) ).
Showcase Showcase
you said, "I hope that people are free enough to build their own opinion"...I guess you meant everyone BUT me huh? Anyway, its a decent enough cut and paste but I still dont think, for a chopping contest, it is a winning image. thats my opinion.
Showcase Showcase
Others are free to form their own opinion, considering my comments or not. Good Luck, and may the force be with you and the handicapped kids.
yello_piggy yello_piggy
... and you still think you are right ...
yello_piggy yello_piggy
from the FAQ: "If you place negative comments on another's hard work, they better be constructive and as graceful as possible." ... know that words?
Showcase Showcase
Did I say one bad thing about your image YP? huh? My point was not so much about your image being bad or good, it's quite good for a cut and paste/color correction image. My "comment" was if this type of image was an image that should win a contest.
Showcase Showcase
The fact still remains that this image is "pretty" or "nice" or "kickass" thanks to the original photographer, not your chopping efforts. please note, that is not a negative statement about YOUR chopping ability.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I must admit, I can't find any personal or insulting words from Show in these comments, maybe something has been deleted, or maybe the language barrier has caused something to be misread.... but I think show has a point, I thought you had done the slu
marcoballistic marcoballistic
ooops outof room...I was saying, I thought you had done the slug out od a few sources, and was suprised when I checked the link you provided yello, but saying that I still like the idea, and indeed the overall look. but I think someone has the
marcoballistic marcoballistic
wrong end of the proverbial stick here....... let the world be shiny and full of fluffy things again :oD
rockymike rockymike
If all these comments were votes, you'd have 77 votes by now. Seriously though, I agree with Marco. On first look, I thought it was a entry that consisted of many sources and entries. I feel that it's still a creative well done entry and desrerves
yello_piggy yello_piggy
ok, i like peace again too, but i still find that less would have been enough, 'cause i didnt cheat or something - now i stop hitting the comment button ...
rockymike rockymike
(78 now) ...some credit. I voted for it, and after seeing the source, I don't regret it. It stands out, is well placed and is creative. What more do you need from an entry?
Showcase Showcase
nothing has been deleted Marco.
Showcase Showcase
Rocky, it stands out because its a great picture of a slug. Of course its well would look stupid with the frog head on the slug's ass. Pasting the frogs head on another "thing" is not as creative as frog-kabobs or heart shapes in pedals...
Showcase Showcase
or any number of other ideas in this contest. I'll say again, its a decent cut and past job with some effort to match color and I'm still amazed at the number of votes an image like this gets. thats all.
cowboy399 cowboy399
What's the problem with you guys? The main reason to leave a comment is to either compliment someone or point out something they did wrong. The only complaint I see here is that piggy is receiving more attention than another member thinks he deserves.
cowboy399 cowboy399
The comments we a cheap attempt to get people not to vote for it. This is based in nothing but pure unadulterated envy an has no place here. You should be ashamed of yourselves. If you don't like it don't vote for it or make one you think is more
cowboy399 cowboy399
cowboy399 cowboy399
Showcase Showcase
"pure unadulterated envy" HA! surely you dont think thats the case. Come now Cowboy399, dont go overboard.
cowboy399 cowboy399
That's exactly what it is. You are envious of the attention piggy is receiving. Why else would you make such statements?
CarlC CarlC
I like it regardless.. yada yada yada
jeepers jeepers
Jeez. The point of this contest isn't how difficult it is... it's how good it looks. And this looks fantastic! Great integration, and color matching, concept, etc.
ScionShade ScionShade
HAHA!!! cowboy,that's some funny stuff,GOODONE!!!!:-) So? When I talk up a post is it a cheap attempt to get votes for that person? Am I nothing more than a cheater?? PAH!! To the back of the class with you.
ScionShade ScionShade
Yello Piggy,Your a real good chopper, the secret to good wins when you've reached this level is to take it up one more step--You did this nice chop-ok-
ScionShade ScionShade
say to y'self "NOT DONE"..put slug back on flower leaf--with a slime trail spiraling up stem to slug...BAM!! BIG WINNER!!!! I hope someday I am winning a contest when I see another chop I think is better--I'll be the first to point it out.
Showcase Showcase
cowboy399, you're out of touch with reality. you should do something about that.
ScionShade ScionShade
Me too. I'm in my happy place. Someone pass me a Latte', hold the nuts!!
cowboy399 cowboy399
No showcase, I think I have you pegged pretty much right. And scion, I am sure piggy will be very appreciative of you trying to help him by pointing out how he is getting more votes than he deserves. . What a pal you are.
ScionShade ScionShade
I apologize to all those people who's post that I comment on all the time mentioning how their image is getting overlooked and udervoted. I think calling me a "pal" was a bit over the line.All your base is belong to us.
yello_piggy yello_piggy
i know for my own, that there are more complex entries out there, and i voted for them too. and what shall i do, write in the authors notes "dont vote for it too much because i did not spend 3 hours for it"? so now we should stop with this, otherwise ..
yello_piggy yello_piggy
... i would have to break some faces ... by the way, where are your entries on this contest, sirs?
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol break some faces..... anyway, I like the image and thats the end of it for me
Eve Eve
JEEZ, all this over a lowly slug!
yello_piggy yello_piggy
has there ever been an entry with such a long thread? a new point for the "all time leaders" or "record holders" ;-)
ScionShade ScionShade
Your not even close to a record with the comments..PAH!
Showcase Showcase
oh yes cowboy399, you have me pegged alright. Look at how few votes I get when I post. I cry with envy every night. pffft. My points about this image were clearly stated...believe them or not, I couldnt care less.
Showcase Showcase
Yellow Pigglet, are you saying that Im not allowed to comment because I didnt post in this contest? are you saying there is no merit to my comments because I am not an artist? well PHOOEY on you! thats ridiculous. I see the images just like everyone else
Showcase Showcase
which is to say, with my own eyes and my own thoughts. Also, Scion is right. This is NOT even close to a record for comments under a post. Don't get too excited.
yello_piggy yello_piggy
no, showCASE, i just would be interested in what your ideas would be to this contest, not less not more, got me? and now, play with the other kids ;-)
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
i made a poopy.
Persuader Persuader
wow, was ging denn hier ab? =O - lass dir bloss kein schmarrn erzählen. echt tolles bild schweinchen =)

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by yello_piggy
Created October 24, 2005
52 votes   65 comments
550w x 413h (123KB)

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