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Television Set
Television Set
source+pic of me

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st1n3r st1n3r
i love your work. so dark and twisted
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Granulated Granulated
very good. slightly unusual framing.
TheShaman TheShaman
white noise vote
billtvshow billtvshow
wow, nice!
Soze Soze
Like it very much Naiko
Sliver Sliver
marcoballistic marcoballistic
have you seen white noise to recently Naiko lol, great freaky work
Patre Patre
Different and imaginative use of source...
dabdi56 dabdi56
candyart candyart
i like your style!
cherylm329 cherylm329
Is that Jesus in the T.V. ;) Devine Intervention, hahaha :P
bigbuck bigbuck
Govan Govan
Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
Crowned Crowned
if you expect that people say wow everytime your put your hands on a chop, well you are in trouble.
Carcarlo Carcarlo
claudiolky claudiolky
nifft nifft
I say: 'WOW' !
Serps Serps
jazgraphic jazgraphic
:) :)
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
I knew you were a melon head, and on melon vision to
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
monkeytwig monkeytwig
Heinlein Heinlein
ginamontes ginamontes
if this is the first thing in your mind went you saw the picture? LOL, I like the border how you did it! nice...
Moesey Moesey
Oscar Oscar
i dont get it lol
Eepi Eepi
Unperson Unperson
bsoholic bsoholic
anfa anfa
anabrin anabrin
Chukn8r Chukn8r
Kansas Kansas
cafn8d cafn8d
bneises bneises


Crowned Crowned
Crowned Crowned
everything is source for sure. but the source is completely lost Micose. I have to be sincere.
Micose Micose
dont vote for it and have fun sure there will be people to see the obvious work on the source, with bevels, cuts, i even made this Xmas plant "houx" in ftrench); and it same process as the halloween style(i cut th twatrermellon as evebdy here.
Micose Micose
i really dont know why u find its lost, maybe its the tv screen that bothers u, its relly not uan objective comment.
Crowned Crowned
It was a ciritique. You may take it or reject it. Don't be a typical french and start talking about objectivity (which is of course owned by the ville des lumieres). I like most of your chops, but this one to me is not good in terms of source use.
Micose Micose
thats the point, if i describe with words what id did,it would appear like a classical use of source. How can u say that the source is lost while its what takes 80 percent of the image, is tjust that, ur critic would have been welcome here if u it was
Micose Micose
explained with words and not with "lost", critics is about facts .Now just Tell me whatshould i supposed to do, starting from this idea of tvset, but that would better use the source, tell me ...
Crowned Crowned
in fact, you can insert a tv set in any source. It doesn't make a difference if it is a watermelon or a frog.
Micose Micose r right my chop is a big shit.
Micose Micose
would u please forget me a minute man thx
Micose Micose
u come here and and put trouble more than critic. thx.
Micose Micose
i asked u politely to put words on yr critic cuz i m sure this is the kind i ordinary accept but the fact is that ur explanations were very approximative.
Micose Micose
Then u vote and i look like an ass...thx mate.Did u look at yr first comment :"no" what this means ? no what , no"future", no "shit",no "vote" (nah u just voted).if at least 10 percent of wht u said was true.i would
Micose Micose
i would have surely think about it, and i tried to understand the prob? but im still here, loosing my time answering u...
Micose Micose
i posted one pic per day since one month,and i didnt see any Crowned around, but ur come back is full of anger,surely the early depressing days of a new year ?
Micose Micose
okay i see this is ur sourcepic, whatever if u expected to see an abstract from me maybe, or a skin disease stuff, well i wanted to do sthg more unexpected.Could be a nice feature to see by advance who's the source pic from.
Micose Micose
its quite diffrent that my usual chops,and i like very much the noise i created on the face and the cut in the watermelon too.
Crowned Crowned
you need more fuel? The vote was supposed to be a comment, it was a mistake. I said no, because I did not like the work. Maybe I am blind. Not because you chopped 30 consecutive days that you work deserves to be worshipped. It is not a matter of quantity
Crowned Crowned
Depression? Not at all. I had to work on other stuff and I did not have time to chop, but I came everyday to vote and comment when an entry got my attention. I participate in my own way.
Crowned Crowned
don't be emotional about it Naiko, you know I am sincere and honest.
Soze Soze
Naiko, you have 22 votes, and with this one 21 comments. I like very much your work and voted for it. But art is on very personal interpretation. Your style is always great. but in a community is normal to receive bad an good critiques. A friend.
Micose Micose
what are u talking about guys? . I dont question facts of like/not like etc...d...we talked about use of source, not only i dont find it uses the source correctly, buti find its less good than my usual stuuff, less spectacular
Micose Micose
conclusion: id ont want u to find it good, i want u to get the fact that Crowned's arguments would have been better for another chop, in another time,thats just this.
Soze Soze
In my opinion your use of source is good.
Micose Micose
if i pointed the number of chops that i did, it was just to say, that i would accept if for instance Granulated would had criticized : he was there for checking my stuffs previously.I dont accept that ur comin from nowhere and said that.
Micose Micose
guys u ar lost. why do u bother me on this chop? thats is f@@@@classical use of source, it will just push me to do more weird abstract next time, u just made it.
Micose Micose
Or u are gonna make me leave this place.i dunno, but u just made sthg.
Micose Micose
of course it is Soze,its darn classic.Now i just got sthg, while i was asleep that nite, Crowned ... maybe u would have liked fairies and dark brownish deviantart typical gothique macabre image, maybe u noticed nobody did surely because they are themselve
Micose Micose
bored with that imagery and wanted to do some nice classical work to.
Micose Micose
now will u please excuse me but i m trying to get a life...
Crowned Crowned
I did not know you were on pills, I won't comment anymore on any of your entries since you're too sensitive. I will only vote and thank you for staying here among us, we who have no artistic understanding like you. I will vote and worship Micasso, Amen.
Micose Micose
hahaha, u keep saying im sensitive about this which is wrong, but i keep asking u what u can read above....gimme arguments
Micose Micose
i never talked about artistic skillz or whatever. U just said bad things about people, i don't even think im better than anybody, i haven't been brought up like this...u just try to make me telll things, but u wont manage to...
Crowned Crowned
First, you always use the same colors no matter what is the source. I know the any artist has his own palette, but we are in a digital world guided by a source image that dictates its own palette. To me, the TV set chop failed to adapt to the source.
Crowned Crowned
Like many of your chops (many are good) failed to adapt to the source as weel. It seems that you adapt the source to you not the opposite. That is why I said no.
Micose Micose
U and i have better things,whatever , to do than this im sure.Please believe in my sincerety too, when I just wanted to argue about ur idea of using a source, i never thought u attacked me on anything else Crowned.
Micose Micose
now 2007 is starting for everybody, i mean ,its unity and peace that are the only words that come to my mind.
Crowned Crowned
Micose Micose
u say things that i could tell u too man. Brown-dark-surreal, and sometimes a classical advert for a price contest, am i wrong ?
Crowned Crowned
It is nonsense, we are not fighting. It is about a comment on a chop. What peace has to do with this? What is great about art is the possibility to say 'No, I don't like it' . Take this democratic mindset from art and it will be suffocating.
Micose Micose
we are on the public place, please pm now to becomes more serious and technical stuff...we will be cooler in pm to discuss about this.
Micose Micose
and what is the damn record i for comments in a chop...i think we could make it if we continue here lol
Micose Micose
art find its good ? rarely , i know only a bunch of good art critics, and AGAIN, we didnt talk about art !
Micose Micose
we were supposed to talk about "use of source ina chop in a Site on the web" only
Crowned Crowned
why are we afraid to talk in public? It is awesome to share with others. I told that you adapt the source to you not the opposite. You adapt the source to you not the opposite. It is a clear comment, take it or leave it, it is your choice.
Micose Micose
this, i get, yea, i adapt, but not always, always would be too muich, if u have the good eye, and i think u have it u will see much more different ways of working in my portofolio.
Micose Micose
but its becoming a bit abstract this comment about the "relationship" i have with the source cuz
Micose Micose
okay, ive got an idea: i noticed that Bigbuck has a particularity, he's really good at finding a unik use of the source, each work that he makes is really surprising n neat. Now i go in yr direction man, BUT (thers a but(t))
Micose Micose
i think we enter here a matter of thinking, me, i can see forms in pics that i will use, natural wood...for instance, check some chops like that, thers one, a piece of wood, i used
Micose Micose
evrythy single yet/naturally etched shapes to make a body of woman, i watched that source and its graphical properties were so rich...
Micose Micose
another exemple is my spitting dude made from a...wait
Micose Micose it speaks for itself.i know its not that often that it happens, but it happens jeez!
Micose Micose
or this whatever ...dont try tio sum up people.Its bad!
Micose Micose
but its way cool to chat and argue here, u right! sometimes its good even if its not always about established facts.
Crowned Crowned
true, you brought some facts and I have voted for the aaaa tchooooom guy because it was awesome. I did not vote for the tv set because it is a failure (to me). You tried, bravo! But you did not succeed.
Micose Micose
i know, i NEVEr whinning about u find it good or bad, we talked about use of source and it looks like its an matter that is more complicated than a simple "no".
Crowned Crowned
tHis one is a good one to me and 46 other voters: this one is not that good to me except 13 voters:
Crowned Crowned
to me and many members except 13 voters
Crowned Crowned
here is a fact:
Micose Micose
facts that we all know...i didnt waited for votes for the 2nd one u mentionned, but i m sharpenning some technique, may i ?
Micose Micose
and wrong example, it shares votes with another chop the same day, the other one has a bit more votes and i obviously know why.
dfwsusan dfwsusan
I haven't read all of it..but when that was pretty low of Crowned to comment with this "if you expect that people say wow everytime your put your hands on a chop, well you are in trouble." that is just plain rude...and no one would want to hear that.
Crowned Crowned
Dfsusan, with all the respect I owe you, I think that it was not due a comment. It was true and it the case of many others that get mad when you comment and point mistakes in their chops.
Micose Micose
y didnt point out thr right mistake man, at least if u had said "perspective is off", i would have understand that, or maybe its just u and ur how to use a source" own personal philosophy.bullshits....
Crowned Crowned
how about this: You closed your comments on Dabbi's chop by these words: "So plz believe that i don't find it bad at all...its just a shout about creativity."
Micose Micose
Thats a a fact that u take yr time to search links. Thats a fact that i was pretty much exagerating in wht i said to dabdi.
Crowned Crowned
I did not search. I did not forget that is all.
Micose Micose
whatever...u just voted for a chop that used badly the source and kept the shitty comments for me... im must be some easy target, iyts what i think.
Crowned Crowned
I told that that vote was meant to be a comment, I clicked the wrong button.
Micose Micose
i dont think about mine
Crowned Crowned
sometimes you have to encourage an idea or a new chopper... But when it is about choopers with experience, I tend to be picky and tougher. Maybe I voted for a bad chop only to encourage the chopper because I thought he has potential
Micose Micose
whatever, thx again to tell me ways to work Ive never done
Micose Micose
...jokin of course... but it wouldnt come to mind to "help" Marcoballistic for instance, in his way of workin, he knows what he has to do, and most of all he does what he wants. I encourage too, i know what u mean.
Micose Micose
i pmed some choppers n said i appreciated this or that direction, and i never said "no" like u did (its what i didn't like the most i think) , which shorts any good debate...but useless typing.
Crowned Crowned
I hope you remember this allways, because you forgot how bad it can be to tell people what to do and not to do, the case od Dabbi is one of them. You accused him of imitating deviantart style while he only wanted to chop like he wants.
Crowned Crowned
treat others as you would like to be treated. Now that I did the same thing on purpose, you felt uncomfortable. Concerning Marcoballistic, I always said why I don't like many of his chops. Perspective and shadows are often crooked. He knows that.

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 Television Set
by Micose
Created December 26, 2006
37 votes   76 comments
900w x 829h (504KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  2
humor  0
idea  3
theme  1

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