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with much respect to ALL those who have served...

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couldb5150 couldb5150
great use of source buddy !!!! nice !!!!
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Good thinking
Heinlein Heinlein
Perfect Sean!
bigbuck bigbuck
pirs65 pirs65
super idea
Soze Soze
very nice idea Sean and well done too
dabdi56 dabdi56
pollyO pollyO
marcoballistic marcoballistic
for the millions that lost there lives, and the glass frame flare :oD
Stevster Stevster
tadams tadams
simply good
CarlC CarlC
way to manipulate without manipulating! Nice flash on the photo
dfwsusan dfwsusan
great idea
Mir Mir
nice Sean
blue_lurker blue_lurker
cherylm329 cherylm329
Is that you in 30 years? ;) Good idea Sean.
Meaty Meaty
chadzilla14 chadzilla14
very nice
NButler NButler
Serps Serps
lozerkidzunited lozerkidzunited
Took me a while to see it. Great thinking. :)
Less than Zero Less than Zero
matO matO
nice! I like the flash in the glass, typical picture in a newspaper
jefflang007 jefflang007
simple but effective.
Denypas Denypas
mrchili mrchili
Carcarlo Carcarlo
anfa anfa
glennhanna glennhanna
claudiolky claudiolky
anabrin anabrin
L@rue L@rue
great job.
Sliver Sliver


TheShaman TheShaman
I did this out of respect for the photo. what a powerful source entry. I have 2 grandfathers including 2great granddads that served in both world wars... I heard a lot of stories, and have a few of their things.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
You admit to stealing then Sean lol... sorry you just left that wiiiiiiide open ;oP
TheShaman TheShaman
I didn't steal... Talk to my grandpas about the taking of 'souvenirs'.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol I was just kidding ;oP
TheShaman TheShaman
I know brother. no worries :)
TheShaman TheShaman
lol I never served... But I hope to look that good when I'm 65
Meaty Meaty
You do know this was A British trench near the Albert-Bapaume road at Ovillers-La Boisselle, July 1916 during the Battle of the Somme. The men are from A Company, 11th Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment.
TheShaman TheShaman
no I was not aware of that... just that it was from the world war. Thank you Meaty.
Meaty Meaty
LOL no probs, just Cheshire is my home county.

 Trench in Somme
Trench in Somme zoom

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by TheShaman
Created April 16, 2007
34 votes   9 comments
733w x 900h (497KB)

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