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Less than Zero
Alex, I see what your saying On contrast/Blur and will update, and I like frames on everything, It's just me, but I will use them less often here... :)
Less than Zero
NButler- Your right, But I didn't have the energy to search for period correct vehicle's...Thats on me, and I'll take less vote's because of it..I do apologize. Next time they will be correct...
Less than Zero
Marco- I knew you were going to go and blow everyone away and you did just that!!! So this was just for filler between you and the guy at the bottom.. :)
Less than Zero
And finally, Granulated, What's up with no chopping???? You on another site we don't know about? :(
Less than Zero
Only cause we Miss ya!!
by Less than Zero
Created April 17, 2007
45 votes
800w x 600h (3KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
0 |
execution |
7 |
humor |
0 |
idea |
2 |
theme |
1 |
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