...And your sure of a big suprise ;oP thats right, Mr. J.T Coolbear, he da man... or Bear :oP |
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this IS good, but not good enough for the amount of votes. is this a case of 'fan votes?' perhaps not fan-votes, but clique votes? meh.
"Pickle, if you can do better, let's see if your entry gets the votes, I don't think there's any favouritism on this website, just critical judges, who know all the tricks... (Us!) Don't winge, just improve those skills of yours to Marco's standard OK!
I'm not whinging Wiz, not at all, I just think this particular piece (IMO) isn't up to the very high standard that Mark usually dishes up. And I think my skills may have progressed to the standard above, after all, its simple cut and paste, & a legflip OK
its a tiny bit more than that Pick, but at the same time your right, it is just a bear in the woods, and you have improved immensely in recent times here bud, so keep it up. This I wanted more of the funny side anyways. Cheers
"Ditto what Marco said Pickle, and keep perfecting those skills, so even your 'Bad Day' ones look this good!" ;-)
cheers Mark, and it's a whole lot more than that, not just a bit more! :D
Pickle, u gave him ur vote as well, was it cus you are Marco's fan or cus u like it his work? Actually u were the 6th to vote him. It is ironic to blame us for doing the exact thing you did-voting.
cheers Flamur, glad to see you around by the way, I can see what Pickle means though, and all opinions are welcomed, its all good.
This sucks!
woo hoo lol
Down to the Woods Today
by marcoballistic
Created September 27, 2007
57 votes
880w x 960h (256KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
0 |
execution |
3 |
humor |
1 |
idea |
2 |
theme |
2 |
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