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Hurry Up Spring
Hurry Up Spring
I feel it in my bones, Spring is in the air The birds are singing much louder And the weather has turned so fair The red robin's eggs are now in the nest Her breast is full of pride, And soon to burst open at Spring's first request.

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kinetic_be kinetic_be
bigbuck bigbuck
mrchili mrchili
Govan Govan
ReyRey ReyRey
Nice. (snow is a little small I think)
geronslc geronslc
Persuader Persuader
works for me - well done :)
Martrex Martrex
Those eggs should be under her little butt staying warm.
mikey mikey
I agree! ~ very nice! sweet poetry also. :)
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
JClark8220 JClark8220
I saw a robin a couple of weeks ago. And the Mockingbirds are back. Spring is getting close indeed! Even though they said rain and snow on the way this week! 60s and 70s during the day but nights its in the 20s and 30s.
geeren geeren
greeneyes greeneyes
Ritzoo Ritzoo
caradeu caradeu
Serps Serps
birdtoes birdtoes
Less than Zero Less than Zero
I hope your right, any more snow and I'm going postal...
annajon annajon
pollyO pollyO
Dead Man Dead Man
dewdew dewdew
spring.....ahhh...i can't wait...girls in short-shorts..trying to get tan.....OHHHH sorry i was daydreaming again.......nice job sal.
delucx delucx
abraham abraham
Soze Soze
Nice work Sal
anabrin anabrin
Heinlein Heinlein
Synthvet Synthvet
nicely done sal ;)
Micose Micose
Tarmac Tarmac
patience little robin, patience .. ! ;)
acemanoj acemanoj
StephenBif StephenBif
gsenthil gsenthil


JClark8220 JClark8220
However, no one mentioned that unless it's a late, unexpected snow storm, robins don't lay their eggs in winter, plus the hen would be sitting on the eggs to keep them warm.
Salvezza Salvezza
Julie, get a life will you, the bird is hungry, and everyone knows, it snows in early spring, and then suddenly as if it never snowed at all, it's melted and the sun pops back out again.. Get real! Your smallminded thinking is boring me to death!

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 Hurry Up Spring
by Salvezza
Created February 18, 2008
35 votes   2 comments
1280w x 960h (511KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  3
humor  0
idea  1
theme  8

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