I feel it in my bones, Spring is in the air The birds are singing much louder And the weather has turned so fair The red robin's eggs are now in the nest Her breast is full of pride, And soon to burst open at Spring's first request. |
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However, no one mentioned that unless it's a late, unexpected snow storm, robins don't lay their eggs in winter, plus the hen would be sitting on the eggs to keep them warm.
Julie, get a life will you, the bird is hungry, and everyone knows, it snows in early spring, and then suddenly as if it never snowed at all, it's melted and the sun pops back out again.. Get real! Your smallminded thinking is boring me to death!
Hurry Up Spring
by Salvezza
Created February 18, 2008
35 votes
1280w x 960h (511KB)
Voting Qualities
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0 |
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3 |
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1 |
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8 |
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