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The scent of a woman
The scent of a woman
Updated. This first started off as a Perfume-ad, but in the last moment decided to leave the text. Source is used in various ways, like skin, eyes, border, etc... Pls go large

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bigbuck bigbuck
ardanza ardanza
oh yes i like this very much
jasper jasper
nice - however, why would the reflection of the diamonds be brighter than the actual diamonds? why is the neck so smooth? I like the use of source for eyes. decent use of source for border as well.
anabe anabe
CarlC CarlC
Maliciously Delicious Maliciously Delicious
nice theme
rockyjob rockyjob
ScionShade ScionShade
Martrex Martrex
tadams tadams
Pearcinator Pearcinator
Nice work, i like it!
Mel47 Mel47
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Dead Man Dead Man
Heinlein Heinlein
Granulated Granulated
yello_piggy yello_piggy
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
manic_d manic_d
looks great but should her white sclera ( area around the pupils) also be green?
Salvezza Salvezza
Serps Serps
pollyO pollyO
MattBlack MattBlack
Janfet Janfet
vokaris vokaris
Tesore Tesore
great job KB ;)
Claf Claf
abraham abraham


tadams tadams
I like the elements and where you were going. However, I do think you went overboard on the skin. The nose is a black blob. Bring back the flesh, keep the eyes.
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Thx for the tip. You're right, it had gotten too dark overall. I updated it, hope it's better now :)
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Ah, I see what you mean Jasper about the diamonds. It's not a reflection, the bottle is supposed to be transparant and letting trough some of the background. Due the light in the bottle, the diamonds have gotten too bright. I'll see if I can fix this.
ardanza ardanza
i look as an artist painter at this, i'am not so long doing ps, but if you can see this as a painting the job is great, the lights teh composition evrything one word a beauty, gives me the feeling if i look at the mona lisa
jasper jasper
ah - i see...not sure what the correct brightness would be in that case. it may even be distorted - depending if the bottle is empty or not. full bottles tend to flip the reflection vertically - try that along with a spherical distortion.
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Got rid of the bottle's transparacy. Thx for tips guys.
tadams tadams
Good update. Nose area could still use some lighting touches.
jasper jasper

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 The scent of a woman
by kinetic_be
Created March 24, 2008
31 votes   8 comments
720w x 960h (249KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  4
humor  0
idea  1
theme  2

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