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No outside sources except my own. 2 externals: a picture I took of myself, and of a piece of busted up sheet metal, which I used for the background and eyes on the mask. The rest is source with PS work.

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Sjitske Sjitske
Damn that's uber cool! kudos! ;)
rockyjob rockyjob
pollyO pollyO
Dead Man Dead Man
candron candron
i dont now how you did this? amazing work, just amazing
Stewie4lb Stewie4lb
seelcraft seelcraft
Fantastic work!
mike.b. mike.b.
the best
mason4300 mason4300
really? damn nice, then
Martrex Martrex
ReyRey ReyRey
oops. meant to vote. haha
Carrignafoy Carrignafoy
bigbuck bigbuck
tadams tadams
Very cool work! You've got light coming from both sides yet the tongue is only lit from one side, other lighting issues across the face. Nevertheless, lots of work went into this and I appreciate the work you did in creating and using your own sources.
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Eve Eve is this not winning?
Serps Serps
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
What kinetic_be said. This strays far from the source, but is excellent.
mikey mikey
If Serps says great then you know it's kick'n! lol awesome imagery!
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Than hand/claw/finger on the leg looks a little flat on the top edge. Maybe some blur? It looks like you created the mesh from the source? At least big it does.
the burning couch the burning couch
shit, that's good*! issues asside. Now move on up the charts!!
Patre Patre
Magnificent transformation! I would also be interested in viewing the PSD file in order to help me undertsand the techniques you used to create this terrific image.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
yeah if you hit this big, you see the hours poured into this. I mean you open this up, and you go wow, nice but looks all external blah blah, yet hit it big, and the source is all over this, really killer work
Tarmac Tarmac
nat_g31 nat_g31
Excellent. I do agree, it is hard to see the work done here, when it comes to the source. But it's there and this is great. Well done!
ql i wonder how much time did u need for this. I love it
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
nice image (artistically speaking) actually its disgusting!
LeviRein LeviRein
backwoodschopper backwoodschopper
No comment..... I can't comment this is to good to comment on..... CRAP I just made a comment! Great job. Verry pro work, Please keep it up I realy enjoy you work.
shanomoo shanomoo
nevet nevet
this is just amazing, love the design
StephenBif StephenBif
Granulated Granulated
this is excellent work...but to just use a tiny bit of the source as tongue colour and texture is annoying. I am most impressed with the contouring and shading of the woven kevlar. Show us the externals..I wanna see just how skill you are..cheers
billtvshow billtvshow
Miss SS Miss SS
anabe anabe
I'm in awe!! This is outstanding!
xshadow xshadow
jemenet jemenet
ThePec ThePec
mastermason mastermason
TheShaman TheShaman
solaris80 solaris80
geronslc geronslc
Tesore Tesore
gbrmzrs gbrmzrs
Claf Claf
Very nice! Lot of work. I would like to see more about the source. :)
Netwel Netwel
Nice chop, excellent work. mesh looks a bit 3d. Would love to see the psd
Ravelant Ravelant
cinigar77 cinigar77
Fetamin Fetamin


ReyRey ReyRey
Fav'd. Venom is a preppy? How did you make the mesh material. It looks like one of those kids toys made of metal pins that holds the shape of whatever you push into it.
kinetic_be kinetic_be
What you should do is, putting up a step-by-step guide, otherwise a lot of ppl don't even vote for it because the entire scene looks external. You've only done 5 images here at PSC, but all 5 were nearly all source and spectacular, but overlooked like
kinetic_be kinetic_be
your flintstone-entrie for example or this one aswell. It's just too awesome to give credibility, you know what I mean? A lot of people here don't look at the details or don't even go big on something. A lot of quality images have been skipped like th
kinetic_be kinetic_be
that and didn't get the amount of votes they deserved. This deserves top 3 if not a win.
ReyRey ReyRey
Yes. What kinetic said. I myself would love to view your layered file. You should share it.
Eve Eve
Sjitske Sjitske
me too fav'd
tadams tadams
"...A lot of people here don't look at the details or don't even go big on something. A lot of quality images have been skipped..." These are the people you should ignore.
rockyjob rockyjob
wtf! Rise! Rise! Rise! Go to top!!!
the burning couch the burning couch
Yes...I agree....I'd also love ta have a look at the psd?
Jason Dark Jason Dark
Jason Dark Jason Dark
I'm not really organized enough to supply psd files. I hope this gives you an idea of some of the stages it took. The source is everything except myself, background and the eyes on the mask.
candron candron
man you are a top artist with ps, bravo , this is TOP!!!!!
Jason Dark Jason Dark
I spent a lot of time on this. It takes a lot longer when you're not using any references.
backwoodschopper backwoodschopper
This is truly a fine pice of work. The only problem is that Yes the source was used an great skill went into this but you just camt see the source. We know you have skill but the idea is to keep enough of thee source in the project to let anyone
backwoodschopper backwoodschopper
see it. You'll probubly blow us all out of the water with voting then. Still I'm still amazed with you work.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
yeah actuallt have to agree, there is a lot of talk of this, there is no doubt the work here is great, but the source nearly becomes pointless against the weight of PS & external work, if the tongue was not there, it would just be a nice pic. nothing more
candron candron
shamefull undervoted great piece of art
candron candron
slowly the peolple understand whatbgreat work this is, but some are to stuped to see, LOL man you are to BIG for being here,
kinetic_be kinetic_be
I would so love to see more works from you in the future. If this is the kind of level you work at, the top-spots here at PSC would have a lot higher quality then it currently is, and that would be VERY welcome to break the usual routine.
kinetic_be kinetic_be
I don't mean that as a bad thing to the current grand masters chopping here, but I'd just like to see them having more challenge. There used to be many more here, unfortunally, the ones left I can count on one hand.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
wait a second, call me mental, but how do you cappen to have a work flow but no psd file?? who makes a work flow, but then bins the psd? unless you mean you do not know how to link it and upload it to view
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I keep coming back to this, and no other image I can think of, has me torn as much, I mean the source is nearly wiped out. This is superb work, no doubt, but it does not feel like it is in the true spirit of PSC. As in it has cremated the source ideals
Heinlein Heinlein
Though astonishing work, there is very little of the source, except on the tongue that I can recognize. I would like to see a .psd or something similiar showing exactly where else the source was used :)
ReyRey ReyRey
How did you do the steel mesh on the mask. That is not source. If you spent a lot of time on it. You should still have the PSD. It does not have to be organized. Mine never are. hahahah
marcoballistic marcoballistic
If only the work flow is available, I would like to see a vastly bigger version of that if possible, but psd would really be great
marcoballistic marcoballistic
yeah mine really never are. and the mess is the work of what looks like a 3d program, I say this becaise if you look, nearly every strand crossing is different.... hours upon hours of work if done properly. We really need some answers here
marcoballistic marcoballistic
only other explanation is a dam nice res external, which you have not linked. I am starting to struggle to believe what is source at all apart from the tongue & what is external as you only show the metal. Love you to put me straight on this, need answers
kinetic_be kinetic_be
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Too much for PSC to handle.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I have no arguement with that, that is nearly all source by the looks
kinetic_be kinetic_be
What I mean is, when a bigshot like Jason makes something like this, it's something most of us here will never be able to make. Too much for PSC.. but more then welcome.
the burning couch the burning couch
Jeez, man.....I've been try'n ta make that mesh with the source and I just can't figure it out. It looks like the same pattern( look'n at it up close ) an seems to have some of the weathering intact , but...How the heck did ya do it*?* I'm bust'n he
the burning couch the burning couch
bigbuck bigbuck
I don't think it's a case of 'too much for psc to handle'. It's marvellous PS work, but very light-on for use of the given source. Apart from the mouth, I can't really recognise any other use of the source. Although it looks sort of hexagonal....
bigbuck bigbuck
....I don't really think the mesh is made from the source. I'm not denying it's a great piece of PS work, but I guess the overall effect here would be attainable using any or no source. Simply, it's just very good PS work. The only problem is......
bigbuck bigbuck at PSC, we ARE given a source to use. Little or no use of source here, generally doesn't lead to a winning image. Jason's other 'heavy metal' entry showed a heavy use of source and subsequently won. To me, this one doesn't use enough. My 2c
bigbuck bigbuck
This is rough. It took 3 min and is only 2 layers. Just PS, no source, and based on a repetitive hexagonal pattern. [img]
bigbuck bigbuck
I'm sure given a bit more time and a few more layers, I could give this a more 3D mesh like look. But it's just PS. I tried quicly, but wasn't really able to come close using the source tiles.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
thats how I wanted to phrase it Brad, spot on :oP
candron candron
well my good jason i think we dont see you here anymore, thx all blind voters and jalous people , man you are great go in the world and make it, dont wased time shitting here, good luck you great ps man
ReyRey ReyRey
I think you got it wrong Candron. We know he is good. WE just want to know how good. It is not obvious from this image how much he did. I have done images where it was not obvious also. I just posted the layered file. No Prob.
backwoodschopper backwoodschopper
Candron, and Jason none of us are downing the work.... it truly is amazing. The only thing we are saying is is that the source is not as prevalent as it should be in this type of contest. If you notice every one who has been commenting on this image as..
backwoodschopper backwoodschopper
also voted, even put it in our favorite’s page as well. It’s nice to see new artists come to the site, especially ones who have enough skill to teach us all a thing or two about Photoshop. But the fact still remains that in order for the contest to
backwoodschopper backwoodschopper
work we must all be on the same page, or the contest is just pointless. None of us want to see Jason leave this site; in fact I would dare to say we need more individuals as such to be a part of
backwoodschopper backwoodschopper
it. But the whole idea is to keep as much of the source as recognizable as possible.
backwoodschopper backwoodschopper
it. But the whole idea is to keep as much of the source as recognizable as possible.
Jason Dark Jason Dark
A lot of comments. I'm not really concerned about losing, and it won't stop me from submitting in the future. If people don't believe I used the source in a proper way or didn't supply enough proof, that's their opinion, and I can respect that. This
Jason Dark Jason Dark
a very long time, but it's what I wanted to do with the source PSC supplied. I'm glad a lot of people like it. If you don't want to vote for me, your comments on any mistakes I made are always welcome. I have only 5 entries and I can't vote, but I com
Jason Dark Jason Dark
come here quite often... there are a lot of creative people on this site and I really appreciate their feedback on my entries. [img]
ReyRey ReyRey
That does not look anything like the mesh..??
marcoballistic marcoballistic
indeed very nice pattern, but the mesh you have has nothing to do with that pattern, even if it was whole without the weird hexagonal holes in it, it still would not look like what you have..... this is very confusing and eyebrow elevating
candron candron
[img] i think some have a bad screen, source is there
candron candron
candron candron
marcoballistic marcoballistic
that still does not prove anything to me
marcoballistic marcoballistic
Granulated Granulated
ridgerock ?!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
marcoballistic marcoballistic
could prove you take a damn fine photo of Kevlar lol... come on, you gotta have the psd, you do not do work that looks like this, and not keep the work, what happens if you needed to adjust the Kevlar etc
ReyRey ReyRey
You know what. I don't care anymore. I like it a lot. One thing.... the cut out on the back hand is too sharp. It should be softer. hahahhahaha I had to correct something. hahahha
candron candron
[img] so even if mr jason didnt do the mesh thing, he used a lot more source than i did with a winning entrie , and there were no discussion, a 30 min job, so ?????
ReyRey ReyRey
Hey Jason, next Kick ass chop you do, please save the layered file and share it and shut us all up. OK? ;0)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol yeah
Granulated Granulated
candron.... theres no comparison to your listed your external right from the start
marcoballistic marcoballistic
marcoballistic marcoballistic
candron candron
so if we now can turn comments in to votes 65 it is a correct comp,
Granulated Granulated
oh be quiet 'Ron you aint got a clue !
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I have to agree, the comp was weaker and smaller, and above all else like Andy says you named your sources and responded to people better
Granulated Granulated
omg !! [img]
marcoballistic marcoballistic
The main fact here is getting lost, this entry is fantastic visually, but we here are unsure especially of new members who drop skill bombs like this. Jason is unproven, and that is fair to say. As it is also fair to ask to see the psd file.
Granulated Granulated
I agree. Surely 'Jason' still has the PSD. All this vagueness is silly and provocative.
Granulated Granulated
...furthermore.. it's time for lunch !
candron candron
last item, vannin above from Claf, great piece of work, realy awsome, he says 10 % source rest all drawing and 3 extern, nobody asked a psd there, o nooooooooo, a what ever
Granulated Granulated
simple reason...Claude would have instantly shown his PSD if anyone had felt the need to see it.
candron candron
thats true gran,
Granulated Granulated
...secondly and more cruicially, why would anyone doubt the "Fannin Above" piece? It's patently obvious that it's illustrated.
bigbuck bigbuck
Your missing the point a bit. Some of the best chops I've seen here, use (physically) next to NO source. Like J-Elzic's scissors. BUT, they have a strong relationship with the source.... Do you get it?
candron candron
congrats with this work , for me you are the winner of this comp
marcoballistic marcoballistic
although in reality... not
Micose Micose
hey mate, where are u we need stuffs like this around here .... :D
YerPalAl YerPalAl
WOW!! This is impressive.

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by Jason Dark
Jason Dark
Created August 09, 2008
50 votes   83 comments
1080w x 923h (471KB)

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execution  23
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idea  1
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