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also wish to point out, in the production of this I wanted a guy in the background, and I shit you not, I spent over 2 hours searching everywhere for a good shot. Nothing matched my vision. So not as some may think and have said in the past...
... did I want to convey violence on women, not at all. It was unfortunately for the angle I wanted, the choice I was left with after using so much time in the search for what I originally wanted...
... The background composit of sources seen here was required to complete both the scene as you see it, the theme and the vision of the calling card idea to make sense. As it is, and I have put it out of focal range and darkened it...
... for this exact reason, more so than I may have done for a normal background, but not too far it looks odd and wrong. This is because the background is important to the scene completion, and yet not the main focus of the theme...
... Anyways, just wanted to share that with you, as though processes don't get shared too much, but I felt in this case it was important. No doubt some will think otherwise, but hey, its all good :o) ok then, random ramblings over ;o)
ha ha ha haaa @ Blue, dont worry he is kidding kids.... I think lol
You have a great imagination. Nice
Calling Card of Evil...
by marcoballistic
Created November 27, 2008
44 votes
880w x 960h (166KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
2 |
execution |
7 |
humor |
1 |
idea |
3 |
theme |
0 |
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