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Brain Storm
Brain Storm
background purchased from Istock Figures from solo: [img]

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Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
Hagen Hagen
Looks good Eve... The only problem is that the source doesn't fit into the image...! But the rest is awsome...! +1
nancers nancers
Tommeken Tommeken
nice job eve... :)
AustrianBB2 AustrianBB2
tadams tadams
Looks good Eve...The only problem is Hagen doesn't see the connection between the eye and the storm. It's all awesome. -10 for Hagen.
Gort Gort
very nice work!
nat_g31 nat_g31
Nicely done!
ReyRey ReyRey
Very cool Eve. I think this would be a better design without the other two guys. It would be very strong. To me those other guys are disturbing. Even just taking out the guy on the right. He is the most disturbing. IMHO I still think it is Very Good
Designed2522 Designed2522
Eve, I have not criticism, I think this is awesome!!! If I say this album, I would buy it for the cover along! congrats! How much did it cost you for the istock image?
gramps gramps
isyrup isyrup
that guy is a hot head-lol
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Well done!
Miss SS Miss SS
pollyO pollyO
Synthvet Synthvet
a burning tornado on his head...that's gotta hurt........does the guy on the left have a sore throat? the other guy on the right blowing his nose?
UntExp UntExp
irgum irgum
Sanctuary Sanctuary
just kill the other 2 guys. love this!
Jake420 Jake420
annajon annajon
TheShaman TheShaman
nicely done Eve!
zorro13 zorro13
nice work!
fnsb13.picture fnsb13.picture
vokaris vokaris
Cool. Wookiestock Hot Salsa 3 vote
Heinlein Heinlein
This is awesome Eve!
Alex Alex
Happy Birthday.
anfa anfa
Great!!! Faved... again! :)
robertmhardesty robertmhardesty
bogonet bogonet
I agree with Rey
Azionite Azionite
Holy cow! Rey's right this is AWESOME without the two guys. It's pretty good with them.. very nice Eve!
Doc_isme Doc_isme
sonic3 sonic3
Tesore Tesore
Yep the guy alone is superb!!!
bsoholic bsoholic
Claf Claf
Pretty nice!
Mir Mir
anabe anabe
Michel Michel
Better without the two guys.


MentalWard MentalWard
Real nice work Eve.
Synthvet Synthvet
lol.......I like it Eve....... :)
Like Rey said "think this would be a better design without the other two guys" Maybe focus the eye on the guy on fire and not looking at the camera. Please don't get me wrong. This is awesome and just giving my thoughts....
Eve Eve
Image w/out other figures. Making the eye look anything but straight looks weird. [img]
ReyRey ReyRey
Much more powerful without other characters. IMHO Great
Heinlein Heinlein
Congrats Eve! Very nice image :)
Mir Mir
Congrats Eve! close one!
Doc_isme Doc_isme
Good for you, Eve!
TheShaman TheShaman
Grats Eve. Loved this. I've used wookiestock for a few of my chops here too. The guy's great.
Really nice Eve. Congrats.
Sanctuary Sanctuary
tadams tadams
Well in!
nat_g31 nat_g31
congrats eve!
anfa anfa
Congrats! :D
jasper jasper
I'd replace the other guys with two hot chicks grabbing at him, that's just me. ROCK AND ROLL! nice win! (or scrap it all and do a "smell the glove" cover - lol)
sonic3 sonic3
Well done Eve, nice win
Designed2522 Designed2522
Congrats on the image eve!!!! fantastic concept and cd cover!
ReyRey ReyRey
mikey mikey
Great Effort Eve!!! :) Love This!
Eve Eve
Thanks all! It's up to the band to choose their 1st, 2nd and 3rd favs though. So everyone has a chance to win a prize!
Tesore Tesore
bogonet bogonet
Congratulations!!! Still there are 2 guys more:)
Eve Eve
I didn't feel it would be fair to change the image mid-way thru the comp, Bogo. But put a link to the solo in the author's notes.
bogonet bogonet
I didn't see it as a fraud, more like a people request. I don't say the extra work has flaws, but for visual impact one guy tells a more dramatic story while the others tend to fade it a bit. Just my opinion. Great work both versions
JGJ Media JGJ Media
Very cool idea.
Micose Micose
superb work indeed
ReinMan ReinMan
one dude version really rocks. if the three dudes were actual band members I could see them being in the shot, but otherwise LOSE 'EM and, while your at it, GET ME A BEER, DAMMIT! - reinOsaurus
daKimmer daKimmer
claude edwards claude edwards
masterful work. Huge energy in the visual. Congrats
volkswes volkswes
Wow, I'm impressed Eeeeeeeve

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 Brain Storm
by Eve
Created February 24, 2010
42 votes   29 comments
1118w x 960h (499KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  5
humor  0
idea  3
theme  0

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