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Photoshop Contest Entry #82579
Proposed alternative to that yucky Green Tea ice cream.

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HandToolUK HandToolUK
Yum! :^) I'd much prefer this to sushi!
nyxxie nyxxie
anfa anfa
Nice! :)
velocity velocity
I'll take one :)
Lord David Lord David
Showcase Showcase
mmmmm. Well Done.
billtvshow billtvshow
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Well done sock lady
Patre Patre
"Sweet" idea that makes the image pleasing to the eye and the integration is very good...
XenoX101 XenoX101
I still wouldn't eat it, but I will vote for it :).
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
looks great, cynn!
yello_piggy yello_piggy
looks tasty
claudiolky claudiolky
pitbullz pitbullz
pretty neat looking!!
deshone deshone
Cambria Cambria
but I LOVE green tea ice cream! : (
aw8pj aw8pj
Now those look good, minus the rice of course
1337hax0r 1337hax0r
Gort Gort
M@rK M@rK
I'd actually eat that!
Serps Serps
neutura neutura
arcaico arcaico
looks delicious
babydolll babydolll
nice work! but look not good :)
wcgems wcgems
I don't care HOW MUCH chocolate you put on it... I still ain't gonna eat it!!! Very nice job.
Persuader Persuader
uuuuuuuuuuh delicious work - now i'm hungry =)
mason4300 mason4300
Japanese dessert after sushi?
Bluesbro Bluesbro
nancers nancers
L@rue L@rue
Clever creative
Synthvet Synthvet
marcoballistic marcoballistic
hey that makes them look a little better, nice job cynn :oD
Shawn Doremus Shawn Doremus
Wett Wett
yep, good enough to eat
Applepoo Applepoo
blue_lurker blue_lurker very sweet.
sage sage
you should try that yummy wasabe ice cream ;)
metalic metalic
Goat1981 Goat1981
Taaasty. :)
Vlad Vlad
Either those are bonsai strawberries or it takes two people to use one set of those chopsticks. Either way though, they look good. Nice job
missrobin74 missrobin74
rashdog rashdog
absolutely Cynn-ful! great!
FinnishFlash FinnishFlash
che che
Hmmmm, it seems delicious Cynn. When will you invite me for a dinner?
Lrossa Lrossa
quite nice Cynn, looks a lot tastier than the original!
Joeyb6571 Joeyb6571
Claf Claf
Looks really tasty! :)
cafn8d cafn8d
Mmm! :9°
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Sweet sushi, probably the only way I'd like it...good work!


Cynn Cynn
Thanks for the votes and comments! ^_^ 4 ext. sources on the fruit; chocolate's painted.

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 [untitled entry]
by Cynn
Created August 21, 2005
49 votes   1 comments
550w x 500h (79KB)

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