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Bloom up...
Bloom up...
"Let the picture do the talking"

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dbbowling dbbowling
Very nice :)
nyxxie nyxxie
very nice, your work keeps getting better :)
buglover buglover
velocity velocity
good work
karell karell
Shawn Doremus Shawn Doremus
ReyRey ReyRey
beautiful picture
denon denon
very nice
jefflang007 jefflang007
the fallen bud is a nice touch
MindGraph MindGraph
reflection and colors good and nice composition overall
jcfreak63 jcfreak63
Patre Patre
Senzo, this is magnificent..I really like the composition, color scheme. background color, dew drops, fallen bud and reflections on table-very nice work!
bumperskittles bumperskittles
rockymike rockymike
fancy, very well visualized
Cynn Cynn
This is just lovely.
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Nice work mate, like the glass effect on the leaves, well done
billtvshow billtvshow
aaanen aaanen
goldenslumbers goldenslumbers
Cambria Cambria
Nice compostion
Goat1981 Goat1981
Quite awesome!
mikey mikey
1337hax0r 1337hax0r
pretty cool.
Synthvet Synthvet
Very Good
couldb5150 couldb5150
im liking this one allot entry
tallwalker tallwalker
nice work.
rashdog rashdog
most excellent!
Eve Eve
nice reflections.
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
overall fantastic entry
Bluesbro Bluesbro
Nice image, the reflections work
Chukn8r Chukn8r
aw8pj aw8pj
awesome work
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
very striking. nice work. leaves in middle background are a bit blurry, but great job overall.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
beautiful senzy love it
flygrafix flygrafix
Great Job on this one.
pitbullz pitbullz
very nice
seamusoisin seamusoisin
babydolll babydolll
Wett Wett
Vlad Vlad
Serps Serps
TheShaman TheShaman
olive olive
beautiful :-)
OneChiefRocker OneChiefRocker
Nuttdriver Nuttdriver
div1sion div1sion
pretty flowers ;)
pegnolia pegnolia
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Lrossa Lrossa
nancers nancers
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Very nice work!
serious serious
nice one!
Claf Claf
L-dawg L-dawg
gravyboat gravyboat
Azionite Azionite
very nice
deshone deshone
splodge splodge
HandToolUK HandToolUK


gowappy gowappy
really neat....sad...I cannot vote for new to this site....need 10 posts of my own to start votiong...sorry...
<senzotaku> <senzotaku>
thanx for the votes all. And for the comment Gowappy. :)

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 Bloom up...
by <senzotaku>
Created September 08, 2005
60 votes   2 comments
479w x 600h (123KB)

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