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tabby275 tabby275
way cool, vlad
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Face facts this is cool...
*=J=* *=J=*
cool, looks like alot of hard work
seamusoisin seamusoisin
<senzotaku> <senzotaku>
Looks great. well done :)
claudiolky claudiolky
Simply a masterpiece Vlad
ReyRey ReyRey
Way cool!
Patre Patre
Great warp and liquefy work, Vlad, and the integration is unbelievably good! Very nice work!
Shawn Doremus Shawn Doremus
mikey mikey
First quality. first vote!!!
mere_artist mere_artist
Persuader Persuader
fantastic work vlad - love it =)
Da_Dude Da_Dude
Lord David Lord David
nancers nancers
pitbullz pitbullz
awesome job :)
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
pegnolia pegnolia
marcoballistic marcoballistic
this is a great entry Vlad, loved looking at it, bravo bud
aw8pj aw8pj
Outstanding work here Vlad
arcaico arcaico
nyxxie nyxxie
jeepers jeepers
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
Synthvet Synthvet
madraven madraven
zookeeper193 zookeeper193
Eve Eve
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
nice impact Vlad. What's the title mean?
Serps Serps
ScionShade ScionShade
rockymike rockymike
wow that's sharp
badcop badcop
you and I both know this is undervoted
jefflang007 jefflang007
spooky but, nice love to know how you got the effect
TheShaman TheShaman
mysitereview mysitereview
billtvshow billtvshow
Caldera Caldera
sage sage
cool. lots of work!
karell karell
cool :)
White Scorpion White Scorpion
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
nice chopin vlad
cowboy399 cowboy399
Nice work!
anfa anfa
Nice! :)
Lrossa Lrossa
velocity velocity
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Very good blendin;)
cafn8d cafn8d
Goat1981 Goat1981
screwloose screwloose
Nice Work!


Denise Denise
Excuse me. I can vote because I'm new here. Your work is spectacular
Vlad Vlad
Tofu - The title originally was to be a prisoner serial number but the image changed a bit from my original concept. I just never bothered tochange it.
Vlad Vlad
jefflang007 - I masked the wire and copied to new layer. Cloned over wire holes in bricks. Made displacement map of face. Displaced bricks and wire with face map. Copied wire layer to make shadows. Copied original bricks with wire to make background.
Vlad Vlad
jefflang007 - Put wireless brick layer into overlay blend on top of original face and lowered opacity of bricks. I wanted more of an extreme birthmark effect than actual bricks. I wanted a more human feel to it.
pOPOte.lA.pORte pOPOte.lA.pORte
WOW SooO NICE!! :)
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
chopin = chopping! i wasn't referring to the composer :)

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by Vlad
Created September 23, 2005
50 votes   6 comments
511w x 442h (122KB)

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