ime l0vin it
Few things to help sell realism: 1) Some slight reflection of the blind guy on the booth 2) shadow work inconsistent... blind guy and dog casting heavy shadow while booth and guy on toilet have too soft a shadow or none at all 3) cars a bit too crisp
perhaps it is not the crispness of the red car that is off but the lack of reflections and sunlight variance compared to other cars
Yes, the red car should have a reflection of the white car behind it. Also as well as blind man's reflection, the booth should also have the red car's reflection. Lastly the sign and doorway should be a lot brighter, since the reason they were dar
dark was because the rest of the toilette was casting a shadow on it, since it is now see-through, the remeniscence of the toilette should be a lot brighter.
Oh and one more thing, brighten up the blind guy and the dog, they seem a bit dark considering the brightness of the photo.
thx for all the comments, made some of the suggested changes; a reflection of the blind man on the booth, also lightened him and softened the shadow, some light changes on the cars too
Just noticed that my vote implied I'd seen this chop. Not so. I mean I saw an actual "see-thru" street-side toilet on either TV or the web not long ago. Nice changes jaysen.